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  1. US What time to Q for random XP off battlegrounds in the 19 bracket?

    Ok, thanks for the tip. Do they drop at 19 that way? Would have thought it would roll at a higher level.
  2. US What time to Q for random XP off battlegrounds in the 19 bracket?

    Are jagged star farmable from anywhere? I haven't seen any on Mal'Ganis.
  3. US What time to Q for random XP off battlegrounds in the 19 bracket?

    Been working on the shoulders and I have a 9 sp scroll for when I get a recruit hammer of the aurora. Spellthread will come when it's not 30k per fuckup, and I am currently grinding for aurora rings in dungeons, so most of that makes sense. Which enchant gives +2 int to cloak? I've only seen +1...
  4. US What time to Q for random XP off battlegrounds in the 19 bracket? is my armory, I've put about 2 weeks into the twink so far. I'm under the impression that, having completed both quests for blue one handed int maces, and appreciating the fact that I'd be losing out on about half my armor by using...
  5. US What time to Q for random XP off battlegrounds in the 19 bracket?

    Ok, but there is no weapon rewards from dungeon boxes is there? I'm specifically only missing weapons with the aurora suffix.
  6. US What time to Q for random XP off battlegrounds in the 19 bracket?

    Hey folks, new 19 twink here wondering when I should be queueing random bgs to try and get a few boxes - my last pieces are from the random boxes out of the rewards box from randoms, and I'd like to get my hands on them ASAP. Just sat for 37 minutes in queue waiting for a random 19 game to pop...