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  1. Famousatnight

    Dead Eyes See No Future - New 49 Twink Guild - Whitemane Horde Recruiting

    their guild name is no longer dead future emo (or whatever) it's now intercept. It was the idea of dooey, he told me himself and he takes 100% credit for the name/guild change.
  2. Famousatnight

    Dead Eyes See No Future - New 49 Twink Guild - Whitemane Horde Recruiting

    I think I've seen dooey in the gulch, I'll keep an eye out for your emo guild name and give ya'll hugs and heals whenever I see ya in game. :)
  3. Famousatnight

    40-49 hemo rogue

    In PvE they may be similar (maybe) but in PvP there's no comparison, crusader is much much better. In pvp you're rarely (maybe not ever) going to be in a situation where consistent damage over a minute is going to matter. Burst is king and the extra dmg of crusader is much more useful.
  4. Famousatnight

    Gear farming spots

    princess in mara drops a ton of 47-49 greens.
  5. Famousatnight

    Critique my first attempt at twinking! 49 Enhance Shaman.

    Rockgrip gauntlets & fleetfoot greaves are both big upgrades gear wise. And like tonybones said, the atal'ai chest would be better but it can be a bitch to farm for a perfect one. GL on getting that executioners cleaver too, that'll be a nice upgrade over kangs. Talent wise take 5 points out of...
  6. Famousatnight

    Best 2h Weapons

    this is... interesting. The +1 to hit that cleaver gives is worth a ton as it is very hard to get hitcapped at 49. Also, I don't play warrior but don't a lot of warrior abilities (heroic strike, cleave, ect) rely on weapon damage? Which makes a weapon like kangs (205 top end dmg) better for...
  7. Famousatnight

    What server?

    I'm on fairbanks and I have a ton of twink gear stashed. POD, chans, GBW, bunch of necromancers legs, etc. Just getting rdy for phase 3
  8. Famousatnight

    EU+US LF oldschool armory link

    I had the dagger on a mage, a lock, and this shaman: it wasn't a good item at all by itself but it was the only item you could enchant with lvl 60 enchants that was attainable at 49 which made it a useful item.