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  1. silverado

    20 Twinking is really bad.

    Number one thing to take away from whatever this was about is EU servers and EU games are not US games. Skill/gear/gemming aside. EU games have all/large amounts of twinks and are COMPLETELY different than any US server games for the most part and are long and drawn out where DoTs give huge...
  2. silverado

    Staff of the One True Bramble King

    Heard several warriors claim that the Bramble Staff is BiS (if you don't have a i49) main hand for Fury or Arms is better than i34 weapons? Is that correct simply due to the high weapon damage (regardless of the strength loss)? Is that also true for Ret Paladins?
  3. silverado

    SL Guide and FAQs

    are the artifact weapons just so busted that any of the proc weapons like princess scepter etc, wont be useful?
  4. silverado


    Probably. Good luck on your graveyard farming.
  5. silverado

    Most Fun Melee Classes?

    He was talking about FERAL, "bruh", not Balance. To again quote you: "ur fkn dumb".
  6. silverado


    Well that particular premade is only on till about 8:30 central, when I assume their moms kick open the door and yell "bed time"... but, in general ques are not bad on BH for Horde... solo it's about a 20 minute wait... in a group its anywhere from instant to 10 minutes. I guess I was also less...
  7. silverado

    Most Fun Melee Classes?

    There really seems to be some wild opinions flying around these forums. I'm not sure whether they are distorted because people run too many 5 mans and just crush ungeared trash and get a false sense of what classes really do or if its just because they don't know. Everybody acts like and gives...
  8. silverado


    Well at least you were man enough to admit you knew exactly to what pocket healed trash I was referring :p. *** Again, I'm new so I don't know who is who's butt buddy, just seems like I run into the same 5 people over and over and over. I guess it's just a terrible world *shrugs*. *** I...
  9. silverado


    Again, lets go easy on the alliance pocket heal 5 man trash squads around 6pm central... they just are not fun or healthy. I'm sure being pocket healed as a hunter makes you feel cool, but how that **** cannot get boring is beyond me. Just saying it's that crap that makes the bracket...
  10. silverado

    Retribution Help or Thoughts I change up the builds a lot. Right now I'm just trying to figure out the best set up for keeping 205+ Strength (with alchemists flask). I just like to hit HUGE with Ret, as I think it works best. Probably stick with stacking...
  11. silverado

    Shoulder Enchants

    If you are not full Titan forged or have granfathered goodies I would not worry about it. Because you are trying min/max with gear that is not BiS anyway and pointless. Just don't risk it, or stick with Heirlooms.
  12. silverado

    Most Fun Melee Classes?

    I'd have to see it, I've seen balance at the top, but what are you doing with feral that is getting you even close to warrior damage or even outlaw rogue damage? Even if you just have moonfire on everybody that is not happening. I really would like to know. Even if you get 200+ agility it's not...
  13. silverado

    Most Fun Melee Classes?

    Awesome if you do, I have only played mine a few times and was unimpressed. 30k a game and a few HKs, that's all I got out of it... running for my life and spamming moonfire. Maybe I was just playing it wrong.
  14. silverado

    Most Fun Melee Classes?

    Face Roll is a Haste Fury using crusader weapon swap macros with dedicated pocket heals... OP you will get EXACTLY what you are looking for out of the 29s if you do this... nonsense damage and a glowing sense of self worth. You want pure skill, given that you play it right, play Rogue. You want...
  15. silverado

    Gear Check 29 Fury Warrior

    Arms and Retribution seem to be on the same level as far as damage goes, you just lose healing/slows/stuns/ranged attacks when you play Arms instead of a Retribution Paladin. You still get Mortal Strike Kill steals I guess... that's something. Blizz has just made Fury Tier 1 and that is why...
  16. silverado

    Retribution Help or Thoughts

    I've played enough games now to easily say: Obviously opinions change. Versatility is not a noticeable increase in longevity or usefulness. Ret just is not a tier 1 class, so if you get holy locked or a tier 1 class is hammering on you, your survival is not determined by having 10% Versatility...
  17. silverado

    Retribution Help or Thoughts

    Last night I was counting the number of times that the BE racial generating a holy power actually lead to a kill with being able to verdict back to back especially on a healer.... it was a lot. Just fyi. Still looking at weapon swapping Combat Claymore with Crusader into Recruits decapitator...
  18. silverado

    Hillborne Axe vs Darkwater Talwar

    What is the appeal of the hillborne axe? it's top end damage?
  19. silverado

    Retribution Help or Thoughts

    at some point 1.3 becomes 1.4 tho, that is a difference. Ret just seems to be less effected by picking one stat like Fury is where you just want HASTE!!!. I guess I just want to be able to know what the best route is.
  20. silverado

    Retribution Help or Thoughts

    IMO giving up 60 hp for touch of the void and +2 more verse is well worth it. Going to see if I can keep the 11.2 with using engineers goggles and the claymore... losing +11 haste tho off each heirloom item NOT used is rough and adds up fast :P. At some point tho if you go under 11.2... I feel...