Search results

  1. What happened to Valotian

    4 year old thread lol @Valotian To this day, Valotian is the best geared character I've ever seen. I can't remember half of what he had but it included AQ40 Enchants, Skullbreaker among shitloads of other grandfathered weps, Dog Training Gloves etc. If he's still active or if anyone knows him...
  2. EU+US Which class and spec do you love the most, and why?

    I've mainly played resto FC for the last 3 years, it makes the most impact in hard WSG games and not having one can be a big problem. I enjoy healing and have to do it more in BFA, but find the playstyle pretty obnoxious with easy dot damage and 2 swiftmends.
  3. EU+US Resto FC

    how do you get scaled magefist gloves? I was gonna post my char, now i feel undergeared lol
  4. EU+US Scaled Keller's Girdle

    thanks ^^ will run stocks
  5. EU+US Scaled Keller's Girdle

    I've noticed afew very geared f2p in bgs with Keller's Girdle scaled to level 20, with 10 int and 9 stam. Does anyone know how to farm this? I'm not sure if treasure chest items scale or if the drop rates listed on wowhead are accurate, thanks ^^
  6. Xpoffstats API Broken

    bump <3
  7. US x

  8. EU+US Account hacked </3

    I recently got my account hacked into and due to complications with the way its set up, cant get it back Also had a caverndeeps on there so rip Just found this out after 2 weeks of not playing so im gonna switch to f2p for awhile, new btag is tanky117#1161 if anyone wants to add me but doubt il...
  9. EU+US Whats the most healing you have done on a Resto druid in a PuG?

    I've hit 250k in wsg a couple of times where I would basically just heal until I oomed lol Never seen anyone break 300 in a wsg, it's probably possible in AB and its pretty easy in AV if you just follow the mass and the game takes more than 20 minutes.
  10. Illyrian and Skinpuppet

    "Fight me irl faggot" he said to the flag carrying resto druid
  11. Best of 29s

    Love how by like page 5 nobody makes lists and its just people fighting lol ----I'm oceanic / US so don't come up against EU often---- Druid master race: Snug, Bbears, Ellenhicke, Rogerdodger, Jimmydarmody, Toons, Staminaid Hunter: Knewbie, Nocontest, Boneitis Mage: Deej (I know he never uses...
  12. Duo featured in a swifty vid

    There's only so many vids you can make of an unlocked resto kitty going 30-0 in wsg before it gets old, then hel either stop making vids with duo or go into actual twinking (maybe in 20-29) That or this is a one time thing and nothings gonna happen lol
  13. Duo featured in a swifty vid

    Problem is he still gets like 50k views on every video so if he decides to actually get into twinking, even just for abit, itl probably be in a new guild owned by duo that prems constantly and will continue to do so long after swifty gets bored and goes back to making repetitive max lvl content...
  14. Duo featured in a swifty vid

    If we get a sudden influx of fotm's into every bracket under the sun, we all know who's to blame.
  15. Should i do the youtube thing

    Thanks for feedback ^^ I definitely want to give it a go as there isn't much harm in making one and just seeing how it does, will probably sort out a few IRL things then begin getting clips in about 3 weeks or so :D
  16. Should i do the youtube thing

    First of all 6.2.2 seems to of fucked up my launcher and i can't get into the game so guess im taking a break from wow for a bit lol. Anyway, for the past month or so twink vids, especially 20-29s, seem to be in both higher supply and higher demand. Producing content was always something I...
  17. Yay interfaces

    Been messing around with a few things to do with my interface and arrived at a layout I'm fairly happy with. Would love to see screenshots of what works well for other people and maybe even share ideas of how they can be improved or combined to make things that work well for all. Through twink...
  18. 29 Twink Cup Rules 2015

    Would like to see this go through but a few things about the rules First up, why ferals? I don't play feral or anything so this isn't to benefit me but, while feral is fucking fotm as hell and insanely op, it's not like one guy on a 2 week old feral druid is going to carry the entire team. Feral...
  19. Bleeding Hollow AH Sale

    Items are now listed with slightly changed prices. I also managed to get a foremans gloves which are now up for 10k.
  20. Bleeding Hollow AH Sale

    Will be xferring my main over to bh in abit with many fun things to sell <3 Items selling: Blackened Defias Boots (120k-150k) Ring of Precision (40k each, I have 2 but will only sell 2nd if offer is very good) 2x Talon of Vultros (3-5k each) 2x Mystics Robe (4k each) Magefist Gloves...