Search results

  1. Coming back to my 39 Lock after a break

    hello all i recently quit playing my 39 twink lock right before bfa came out due to medical reasons im looking to get back into it on my off days of raiding. Any gear or chants I need to swap out? Also is Affli the only Viable Spec? Edit: I cant find my lock on armory the name is Lockblock on...
  2. 39 bracket BiS Cloth Gear/reviving the 39 bracket

    Hello all I am currently leveling a void elf lock for the 39 bracket with my brother leveling a mistweaver. I can’t seem to find and BiS lists for the 39 bracket anyone have any idea what some BiS items would be in8.0/BFA since twinning is kind of back in full force. Also I have a few people on...