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  1. Extinct GY farming is fun.

    That is not fucking GY camping. GY camping is basically someone holding the flag and refusing to cap while everyone else spawn kills you. They were fucking capping flags and controlling the game by fucking killing you off at teh graveyard. L2play is all I got to say. And there is nothing...
  2. How to heal others - (nube guide)

    FC should also place their healers on focus or set up their raidframes to show casts. I cant count how many times FCs have outranged or LoS a heal.
  3. Farewell 19s!! -

    No shit someone trolled him you fucking retard. And whats wrong with the UI? Get moveanything and your set
  4. 4.2 the end of wow?

    Been playing since closed beta, it held my attention for quite a while. But yeah its starting to lose its grip on the veterans. Like most of raiders in my main guild do not even play the game in the off-time from raiding. Some of us are not even excited for Firelands.
  5. 4.2 the end of wow?

    Its not dead yet. But the game has been downhill since mid Wrath for sure! Waiting for GW2 to be out!! This is where most of the serious pvpers will go. This game is practically dedicated to pvp only. Plus with the reviews and all it seems like it will really be face-paced and teamwork will be...
  6. How to heal others - (nube guide)

    Best to use mouseover macros in battlegrounds. All you have to is point your cursor over the target/frame you want to heal, and press your keybind. Here's an example. #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][] Regrowth Just replace regrowth with whichever spell you need.
  7. What do you think has hurt the 19 bracket the most?

    S8 wasnt that bad. Just some gay ass annoying wiz cleaves. This season is fucking retarded though. Even though I play a DK, melee cleaves are fucking gay as shit. And with all the MMR explioting and Glad selling it was stupid. But thank god blizz is resetting some teams
  8. Time for sabotage ehh?

    deteled 12234
  9. What do you think has hurt the 19 bracket the most?

    Way to much damage is going on, backed up with way too strong of heals! There's only two classes that have actually interrupts, mages and rogues. And we all know that about only 10% of them kick and about 1% would even think about using a mouseoverkick/focuskick.
  10. List!

    Are you going to transfer to each realm for the items?
  11. Skinning/Herb bug

    Does this bug/expliot not work anymore. I just tried to get herb/skinning on new character and it would say: creature is not skinnable after one round of skinning.
  12. Double Shadowfang Fury Warr

    Your idea of standing out is top damage?!?!? That's so sad.
  13. Double Shadowfang Fury Warr

    What is the best combo? WSG/BOA mace?
  14. saxxon 19 twink rogue video

    That would result in only being able to do arenas with/against people on the same realm?
  15. saxxon 19 twink rogue video

    How are you doing arenas?
  16. 15-19 Bracket Healers.

    Hey TS and Slayin bro. What up. This game has become hella gay. Anyway I will go druid and go annoy people with fucking roots. Too bad bear form doesnt have fucking bash aghhh!!!! And wtf when is blizz bringing back fucking arenas
  17. 15-19 Bracket Healers.

    Well heya. Just got bored from end game raiding and would want to start twinking again. So i looked and couldnt find any pros and cons of the 4 healers. Thinking about creating a healer if alliance has some consistent non-moronic FC??!?!? Like ones that dont LoS at last second and such.
  18. Suggestion on Feral drood 19s...

    66 energy is not enough imo. You should often pool energy to get a bigger burst. Well I guess its what you do and what you want. Im not even in cat form 60% time im in a wsg. I heal/travel form/bear form too much lol.
  19. Suggestion on Feral drood 19s...

    Why would you spec into 2Predatory Strikes? You need furor to be able good. Your gonna be powershifting more than half time time. Every conc/howling/winglcip,OPMagecrap. Seems like there are always mages now. Plus Infected Wounds is way to good to give up. 25% slow is awesome, its almost...
  20. Mechbuilders Overalls

    You US? And im not tranfersing