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  1. Loremaster of F2P, probably

    Can we solo some raids? Have u tried any?
  2. Shadowlands F2P Baseline Guide

    Why is this thread no longer pinned?
  3. Loremaster of F2P, probably

    Great job. What's your next endevour?
  4. LvL 20 F2P Gems and Jewelcrafting guide.

    it has low drop rate :(
  5. Which Class are you most Impressed by when you see them performing well in a BG?

    Hunter is OP so noone is impressed when they do well in BGs. I think it's really surprising to see a druid play well.
  6. Shadowlands F2P Baseline Guide

    What should you do in a legion invasion? Just go there and see? Edit I just went to Stormheim and the quest didn't pop up. Are us sure 20s can do it?
  7. Completed all 4 zone quest achievements in Legion. Need another relic.

    Oh, I should've said I'm pure f2p... But I guess I'll farm murlocs for a storm relic. I think I can get +6 on a lvl 20. Where exactly in Azsuna?
  8. Completed all 4 zone quest achievements in Legion. Need another relic.

    So my weapon is ilvl 32 atm (one +5 relic and one +6 relic) I need another +6 relic to gain 1 more ilvl on my weapon. But the quest lines are done. Is there anywhere I can farm? (Also, I could only get 5 chaos crystals. I have the epic proc class hall upgrade. Am I unlucky or what? Is there...
  9. Cool mounts a pure f2p can get?

    What are some of the cool mounts a pure f2p can get except wod rare mounts? (
  10. LvL 20 F2P Gems and Jewelcrafting guide.

    Are u sure? I see they require lvl 1 JC in the game.
  11. Where do we use honor?

    I'm capped at 15k honor. How do I spend it?
  12. Shadowlands F2P Baseline Guide

    Yeah there's also 3 agi gem in wotlk vendor but finding a node in wotlk is as hard as tbc... Ran arounjd for half an hour and only got 21 cobalt ores (to do wotlk jc daily)
  13. Shadowlands F2P Baseline Guide

    Outland mining is so slow. There are not many nodes :( Do we have an alternative +3 agi gem in another expansion's jc?
  14. Shadowlands F2P Baseline Guide

    How many fel iron or adamantite ore should I farm before I abandon mining for jewelcrafting?????? (for steady talasites and +3 agi gems) Edit: Do you always get +1 skill point in Outland Jewelcrafting when prospecting Fel Iron or Adamantite?
  15. Shadowlands F2P Baseline Guide

    Is there any other way to get mark of honor than crate of battlefield goods?
  16. Tired of the subscribe popup when you login? Here's the solution

    Thanks for checking. Security is important.
  17. Tired of the subscribe popup when you login? Here's the solution You can thank me later boyz ;)
  18. Classic Dungeonmaster 100% SOLOed in currently obtainable gear as a Hunter!

    Grats, this gives a fellow hunter hope. I'll try to solo BC dungeons for the socket gear today. What is your go-to spec/talent to solo a dungeon? Also, do you think your trinket Toy Windmill is helpful? I have Elekk Tusk. Should I go bother to get your trniket before soloing stuff? Edit: 7...
  19. Cataclysm Engineering Grind is Horrible (As F2P)

    Everything you said is just wrong. Let me refute it all. It took me 10 of hours of ore farming to get to 55/75 cata engineering. Twilight Highlands is the worst place to farm elementium. You don't pull many mobs but the ore respawn rate is terrible compared to Uldum. Electro static condenser...