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  1. Agilité - French twink Finkle

    Hello Xpoff community Here is my first message on the site, despite the fact that I read news from this site everyday! Just a short message to say that some twinks on the Finkle server (French server) are starting to evolve! You will find below my current stuff, some improvements are to be...
  2. EU+US Griftah Masks (Item Level 100) as a F2P/Vet Level 20 Rogue with No (OK a Little) Help

    7.3 information : The event does not work anymore on the mobs that pop, it makes it harder to get the mask at 7.3, but still obtainable via other mobs.
  3. EU+US Enchants still matter?

    Still work mate
  4. Bah j'aimerai bien y aller, mais je suis ban alors que j'y suis jamais allé bizarre !

    Bah j'aimerai bien y aller, mais je suis ban alors que j'y suis jamais allé bizarre !
  5. Hey tu es fr Embusquée ? merci de ton passage sur mon thread :)

    Hey tu es fr Embusquée ? merci de ton passage sur mon thread :)
  6. EU New to F2P community

    Thanks for the interest about my thread guys, I keep working on my gear of course ! I mainly pvp, but during queue I will do some PVE things !
  7. EU New to F2P community

    Dear xpoff members, Long time I played 19 bracket and 20 bracket vet, reading post on the forum etc. I finally decided to creat a new account with only 1 char, the last and only f2p I will continu to play ! I present you my lovely rogue named Exemple. Link ...
  8. EU+US Consumables

    I don't use any consu too, flight are close enough and still fun and competitive like this.
  9. EU New to Xpoff, need some informations

    If I could have some battletag on english server, it could be fine, feel good to add me kolento#21883
  10. EU Ice Cream Truck - Outland 19 Twinks

    Hello, I would be interested since there is no more twink on EU server Illidan (french server). Can we keep in touch ? Aqw
  11. EU New to Xpoff, need some informations

    Bump, need your help guys
  12. EU New to Xpoff, need some informations

    Night guys, I'm Aqw, came a lot in this website to take informations about twinking in general ! I decided to come back on wow just to have some fun with my twink named Aqw, rogue on a french server illidan. I got several question since they changed a lot of things in this game :) 1) here my...