Search results

  1. Selling 875 Leech/socket necklace

    Im not sure on price, but people have been saying ~500k on here. Im not expecting that much. - Here is the neck Demetri#1252 add my btag or respond here
  2. I have a 875 Talisman of Jaimil Lightheart need help with price

    nice I love getting good deals
  3. I have a 875 Talisman of Jaimil Lightheart need help with price

    So, do you think I would be able to sell it for over 100k or is that a good price?
  4. I have a 875 Talisman of Jaimil Lightheart need help with price

    I got it off of the ah for 3k gold also, if you were wondering.
  5. I have a 875 Talisman of Jaimil Lightheart need help with price

    Oh it says it in the picture, im dumb lol
  6. I have a 875 Talisman of Jaimil Lightheart need help with price

    Well, looks like I might server xfer it over there and buy somes pets/mounts
  7. I have a 875 Talisman of Jaimil Lightheart need help with price

    I guess, do you think if I left it in my server for 400k it would sell eventually? EDIT: The auction house
  8. I have a 875 Talisman of Jaimil Lightheart need help with price

    My server is kind of small, do you think it would be worth it to buy a token to transfer the neck onto another server?
  9. I have a 875 Talisman of Jaimil Lightheart need help with price

    I have a 875 ilvl necklace with Leech and socket, please help me with price. I am on Horde Ysondre/Magtheridon