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  1. maxyz

    Information About Ranked Arenas at Level 20

    Does anyone have information about a website that tracks the number of Skirmish Arenas won and lost? Back in Draenor/BFA, there was a site where twinks could check their rating in Skirmish Arenas, but I can’t find it, and I’m not sure if it’s still working. Now that BGs take so long to pop, or...
  2. maxyz

    How to enter Magisters' Terrace at level 20

    You’ll need to repeat the summoning process with arenas or BGs, but this time you’ll have to summon your level 20 using the level 70/80 character you want to help you clear the dungeon. Let me give you an example: I wanted to use my druid to help my paladin, so I asked a warlock and another...
  3. maxyz

    How to enter Magisters' Terrace at level 20

    What you need to do to avoid getting kicked out of the dungeon is to not finish it too quickly. If you take your time and clear it at a moderate pace, it’s impossible for the game to kick you out. Another method is to change the leader to another character after every five quick dungeon runs...
  4. maxyz

    How to enter Magisters' Terrace at level 20

    You can summon yourself by entering cross-faction arenas with one Horde character and one Alliance character. Ask a friend to do the same, and you'll end up in an arena match together! This way, you can avoid entering combat and get summoned quickly. Another method is to queue for a regular...
  5. maxyz

    EU+US F2P & Vet Rankings!

    Lol, my old warrior, I miss it.
  6. maxyz 99% done 99% done
  7. maxyz

    Warband Bank access revoked for F2Ps & Vets

    nvm dont work, i cant see the warband but dont used him, wtf
  8. maxyz

    11/30mins queue

    11/30mins queue
  9. maxyz

    Warband Bank access revoked for F2Ps & Vets

    I can used it but in the bank
  10. maxyz

    How to enter Magisters' Terrace at level 20

    The only way to enter this dungeon is by joining a Battleground (BG) as a level 20 character. Once you are inside the BG, you can be summoned by a Warlock or through the Summon Friend feature. This is the easy part. Now, if you need Legacy Loot, you'll need a specific high-level character to...
  11. maxyz

    Best of 20s US

    Warrior- Fatboob, Sallya, Trodento, Dre, Warmachine, Bigpala, Chops. Hunter- Almond, Rudimentario, Dfac, Goohd, Traffik, Saitamax, Rancio, Trapgod, ßrøken. Rogue- Visual, Paigexd, Dimitri, Joey, Odi. Priest: Banishedjr, thømmy, Díotima, Alsocoolzo. Warlock- ßoßtheßolter. Mage: Smallxforces...
  12. maxyz

    Best of 20s US

    Who is vito x2, the only DK I know who's a main and tryhard and worth mentioning is Thana. He was the only one as geared as my Vandragoon
  13. maxyz

    The War Within F2P & Veteran Armory

    Need change , to Holy paladin , ty
  14. maxyz

    The War Within F2P & Veteran Armory

    Vet Prot Pally:
  15. maxyz

    Level 84 gear from BfA rares

    ty so much, by Vandragoon
  16. maxyz

    Twinking lvl 40-45-49

    Anyone playing at lvl 40-45-49? If you do, pass your toons
  17. maxyz

    I finished this character ! GG...

    I finished this character ! GG!
  18. maxyz

    The War Within F2P & Veteran Armory

    I finished this character ! GG!
  19. maxyz

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    Thank you for the information conzil , by: Vandragoon
  20. maxyz

    Ty bro

    Ty bro