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  1. PsychoBug23

    Too late to start new twink?And 99 or 101 easier to gear up?

    Thanks bud! 99 probs better for me the cost of the 101 gear is in excess of 50k per piece :(
  2. PsychoBug23

    It does Not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live!

    It does Not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live!
  3. PsychoBug23

    Too late to start new twink?And 99 or 101 easier to gear up?

    Hey all just wondering if it's to late to start a new twink o not ? I have a 19 twink survival Hunter already and a lvl 78 Dk who I'm getting ready for 79 twinking. Is it to late in the expac to start a 99/101 ( wanna do a boomkin ) and which one would be easier and faster to gear? I'm a...