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  1. General 19 twink questions

    First of all what actually works in battlegrounds, im aware of the item level thing. But do my enchants take effect in battlegrounds and also the off stats of my gear, even the main stats. What exactly counts? Also does anyone know when the garubanashi arena and fishing contest are coming back...
  2. How does 29 rogue twinking work

    Hey, ive had a 29 twink rogue for ages now, but since legion everything is changed and i cant grasp an understanding of the guides. I am lead to believe that weapon speed is more important than item level. But the higher number the weapon speed, isnt that the slower it attacks? which would be...
  3. 19 Legion Gear Prep Guide

    I am really confused, i am asking about a 29 twink, it says weapon speed takes priority over ilvl, the bigger the number of weapon speed on a weapon means the slower it attacks doesnt it? and isnt that bad? also weapon damage would be important whitch is basically ilvl right? can someone explain...