Search results

  1. What's the best US server to be on ?

    since the servers are unlocked id figure we can start transferring over to one server Im on Sulfuras
  2. Enhance smack boi

    is enhance viable at 19
  3. Lvl 5 Rogue twink

    So what you are saying is lvl 10 twink is the goat
  4. Level 1s gear

    How are you supposed to get fortitude of scourge if the mantle is bop
  5. Level 1 arena grand master

    Yeah it’s 400 xp to level 2 :/
  6. Level 1 twinks

    So what do I put the nobles in the guild bank?
  7. Level 1 arena grand master

    Is it possible without hitting lvl 2?
  8. Level 1 twinks

  9. Level 1 twinks

    I’m on Herod and I have a guild ready with some supplies unless you just tons of gold lol
  10. Nobles monocle head enchant

    Can you enchant nobles monocle with the glyphs from tbc reps?
  11. Level 1s gear

    I’m starting mine in Herod but I’d be down to switch to another server and start one and farm gold for enchants
  12. Level 1 twinks

    Yeah I didn’t realize that was him What server are you on?
  13. Level 1 twinks

    I’m making one atm
  14. Level 1s gear

    What server are you on? I’d like to join in on this
  15. Level 1 twinks

    Does anyone have any gear sets for level 1 locks?
  16. Level 1 twinks

    What is the best way to minimize mob xp
  17. Allied races pvp

    Are there that are viable on horde side?
  18. Artifact vs SoO mythic/ heroic boa

    Just need the facts since you can gemslot SoO boas
  19. known or unknown farms?

    I think u can its just from a rare in barrens
  20. known or unknown farms?

    im prob very wrong Buckskin Cape also