Search results

  1. Sweettea

    FC Pally

    nevermind it's not gf'd and i screwed myself out of boots.
  2. Sweettea

    FC Pally

    Link to a holy BiS? if not ill try and hunt threads. Is that gf'd shield worth a shit for holy?
  3. Sweettea

    FC Pally

    I have this old Paladin that i had a lot of fun FC'ing with a while ago. Was wondering if it's at all worth it to update him and if so what are the suggestions. If there is no sense in playing an FC pally then i wont bother. Heìsenberg @ Lightbringer - Community - World of Warcraft
  4. Sweettea


    After all the changes are shadowfangs worth anything anymore? If so i have one for sale on Akama-US.
  5. Sweettea

    Lumbering Ogre Axe for sale.

    Hearing a lot of different price tags on this thing and I had one in an ancient twink guild bank i had. Was wondering if there was much of a market for it. No longer obtainable.
  6. Sweettea

    Who influenced you the most as a player?

    anxiety from the 29 got me going through bc and then up to 39 through wrath. I owe him for keeping my love for twinking and bringing me back to 19s. Mocha has brought me back to 19 time and time again ever since he was a wee undergeared rogue angry about my 200g shadowfang.
  7. Sweettea

    Monday & Sunday Warsong Gulch

    So do I update my old jutebraid lock, update my holy pally, or gear an fc. what does horde want.
  8. Sweettea

    KT Spellshock Leggings

    Was running through zf and a pair popped up. Looking for a price check and possible sale. Didnt know where they still stood as BiS or anything.
  9. Sweettea

    29 Prot or holy pally.

    Heìsenberg @ Lightbringer - Game Guide - World of Warcraft That's mine i apologize if it's in the wrong format or something. it's Heìsenberg @ Lightbringer. The i is alt+0236. I'd definately use the ab boots as you want the run speed as well as the stam bonus. My gnomer ring is still wrong...
  10. Sweettea

    Tonights Games (Tuesday July 3rd)

    Alliance my bad.
  11. Sweettea

    Tonights Games (Tuesday July 3rd)

    Any chance i can get in the group via realid? My toon is Heìsenberg Prot Pally FC.
  12. Sweettea

    Sword of Decay

    alright ill let you know. thanks as always
  13. Sweettea

    Sword of Decay

    Doesnt the slower the speed boost heroic strike? or is the damage not even comparable to the discipline rod in gain?
  14. Sweettea

    Sword of Decay

    I happened to pick up a few recently and was curious how good this wep would be for a prot dps warrior. If anyone has run tests i would appreciate it and if not then i will have to bind and find out.
  15. Sweettea

    WTB ogron's

    Bump still looking. Will pay stupid high for it.
  16. Sweettea

    WTB ogron's

    US btw
  17. Sweettea

    WTB ogron's

    I'm on Kel'thuzad and havent seen one on the ah been checking for a while. Was wondering if someone had one hidden away i could purchase.
  18. Sweettea

    WTB Foreman's gloves

    If anyone on Akama wants a pair of foreman legguards or 5 petrified shinbones lemme know free T.T
  19. Sweettea

    FC Warrior

    Too bad my bleeding crescent didnt get as much love as skullbreaker i guess. Is bleeding crescent any good for fury by chance?
  20. Sweettea

    WTB Foreman's gloves

    I know it's not a very big item to need but it's one of the last few items i need and have been farming for 6 days so far to no avail. I am on Akama-US horde or alli doesnt matter. Not looking to xfer or anything just looking to catch a break from sitting here.