Search results

  1. Let's get some pop's!

    I'll be around. Hope for a very active Saturday evening/night.
  2. Let's get some pop's!

    I noticed. WoW on one pc and netflix on another. I'll be waiting. :)
  3. Let's get some pop's!

    Been in que for over 3 hours (since 9am central). Let's get some bg's going folks! ;)
  4. Guilds recruiting?

    I'm currently on Zul'jin and currently horde. Willing to transfer to another server and switch to alliance if need be. Just looking to find a active guild to be apart of. Thank you.
  5. EU+US armory lists

    All my main characters/twinks are on Zul'jin and i did not see a twink 19 guild listed on this thread. Are there any guilds, alliance or horde that are funding a active twink if i start from scratch?
  6. EU+US armory lists

    You mean the cookie cutter list. Same gear only the name changes.
  7. 20-29s Armory List

    Yeah, i agree. I looked over the list and i'd say 1/4 of those people are naked as a jaybird.
  8. 20-29s Armory List

    Allot of people wanna be seen on this list, either for grandfathered gear and titles or simply because the got BiS and deserve it for the hours they spent farming. Link to my rogue in sig
  9. Who is the most dedicated 29 twink in our Bracket?

    I was bging back before server mergers. Back before 20-24 etc etc. Straight up 29. If you was 22 and entered a bg, you stayed 22 and got rocked.
  10. Who is the most dedicated 29 twink in our Bracket?

    Any of the names on the list old school enough to possess the Sergeant title?
  11. Who is the most dedicated 29 twink in our Bracket?

    It's just my opinion, i didn't start the thread so i won't say who i think should and shouldn't be on your list. I was just curious on the definition of dedication when it came to the mentioned people above. Good luck to those listed.
  12. Who is the most dedicated 29 twink in our Bracket?

    Your definition of dedication is....? Being OG (old school)? Not leaving a BG when getting owned? Active? Dedicated to playing 1-2 twinks? I see some names that shouldn't be on this list and i see names that should.
  13. 29 Ret pallly.

    /smh Looks like bedtime for me
  14. 29 Ret pallly.

    It's a personal choice but i'd switch out trinket's so you could break a cc.
  15. Feral Druid 29 twink?

    Nobody would ever open, they would stand around waiting so they can jump in and steal the KB. Sounds like fun though...:cool:
  16. Feral Druid 29 twink?

    Sadly it is shared with BM's as well.
  17. 29 Shaman helpôut/advanced Full haste build. 1.15 sec healing surge.
  18. 20-29s Armory Listôut/advancedäpout/advanced