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  1. Plscrit

    US <District Nineteen> WHO?!?! *trash talking thread*

    hey homie g i got you. everyone dissing district 19 is some 37 year old man babies yeah thats right yall some man babies also they forheads so big i could right a novel on that bitch XD finally who every dissed district 19 are some alpocecia patients yeah y'all got a worse hairline then lebron...
  2. Plscrit

    US <District Nineteen> WHO?!?! *trash talking thread*

    instead of doing you crap talk premades we are gonna try to grow our guild with our 3v3 tourney.
  3. Plscrit

    US <District Nineteen> WHO?!?! *trash talking thread*

    not dodging just considering :)
  4. Plscrit

    US <District Nineteen> WHO?!?! *trash talking thread*

    you know what i might i will keep you updated :)
  5. Plscrit

    US <District Nineteen> WHO?!?! *trash talking thread*

    to be honest @Snack @Rusks i dont even know who you are but i bet that your guild is booty compared to district 19 and they are at least man enough to post about why they wont 10v10 you guys instead of just trash talking
  6. Plscrit

    US <District Nineteen> WHO?!?! *trash talking thread*

    dude i dont need a premade to beat yo ugly irrelevant ass XD
  7. Plscrit

    US <District Nineteen> WHO?!?! *trash talking thread*

    listen rusks if you don't shut those mattress you call lips im about to flame im for real i will slap the grease right out yo ugly self so don't disrespect with out expecting to get some hate you ugly uni-brow having booooi @Rusks