Search results

  1. Ellen

    < SupaNova > Guild Recruitment

    maybe my bm to mw.. send pm
  2. Ellen

    20-29s Armory List

    29 warri Flexxn @ Arthas - Community - World of Warcraft 29 pala Fgtismlol @ Blackmoore - Community - World of Warcraft 29 monk Ellenharper @ Blackmoore - Community - World of Warcraft 29 druid Nicicowda @ Blackmoore - Community - World of Warcraft 29 mage Plsdontkick @...
  3. Ellen

    <Storming Silverwing> Stormscale EU Horde

    Great! text you ingame.
  4. Ellen

    <Just some Casuals> Bleeding hollow Horde

    Me Ellenharper @ Blackmoore - Community - World of Warcraft and Chikapu @ Blackmoore - Community - World of Warcraft Jellyforce @ Blackmoore - Community - World of Warcraft lf Horde Guild EU/US for Bg´s and other PvP
  5. Ellen

    29 Monk

    interesting Gloomshroud Armor - Item - World of Warcraft w8 4 drop..