Give us the name of the bar and ill personally call them up. Also throwing in a pic wouldnt hurt you, the amount of time you spent writing, you could take at least 1 pic.
jwl shut ur fucking mouth up.
WE all know how ur a trash little twink who tried to run his own guild back in wod but failed cuz u thought u was big turns out ur not,
My boy gucci can 1v1 ur trash ass.
I remember destroying a lvl 19 rogue twink bacl in wotlk on my nub toon. Happened in wsg alliance ramp side. I was on top of the cliff while the rogue ganked our healer and prancing around when I unleashes a concussive shot on his ass, he somehow managed to get up to me and the dude fell down...
took us 5 man party 30 mins to down the leader without alliance bothering us, 1 healer 3 dps 1 tank.... it can be done with 3 if u enemy players dont attack