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  1. Hobbes

    US Anyone out there know how to BG?

    I'm the real deal
  2. Hobbes

    US Kel'Thuzad Alliance 101 Guild

    danny, did you happen to have alvl 20 human disc priest back in mop and wod? i used to play with this healer danny, on a nelf hunter and resto druid.
  3. Hobbes

    make my name colorful like urs.

    make my name colorful like urs.
  4. Hobbes

    US [Emergency] House Unfit to Live In At This Time

    Give us the name of the bar and ill personally call them up. Also throwing in a pic wouldnt hurt you, the amount of time you spent writing, you could take at least 1 pic.
  5. Hobbes

    why not 5

    why not 5
  6. Hobbes

    US Unrealzy 1 Teaser

    jwl shut ur fucking mouth up. WE all know how ur a trash little twink who tried to run his own guild back in wod but failed cuz u thought u was big turns out ur not, My boy gucci can 1v1 ur trash ass.
  7. Hobbes

    US Unrealzy 1 Teaser

    Its my boy GUCCI BACK AT IT AGAIN. IMO best twink on xpoff. Dude has a kind heart unlike the rest of u.
  8. Hobbes

    US BH Horde - We Totally Farm

    Samsh, whats the name of ur twink
  9. Hobbes

    EU+US Crystal's 5th birthday

    Lvl 2p nelf hunter Formrbean Lvl 20 nelf hubter googlelf Lvl 2p resto druid tinydruidy. Leek, phron, somfas,spew,and tdog. U can run but u cant hide
  10. Hobbes

    [Geta of Tay'Shute] 870 with leech (mail boots)

    Sigh.... 870 leech for 1 token? Even on a dead realm it shouldn't be that low....
  11. Hobbes

    EU+US Me vs Swifty's 101 Twink LUL

    Mmo mouses rocks brah.... i remember lvling my druid by keybinding numpad key. It was so great didnt even have to use 2 hands
  12. Hobbes

    US Recruiting more 19's Elysium vanilla! US and EU

    I remember destroying a lvl 19 rogue twink bacl in wotlk on my nub toon. Happened in wsg alliance ramp side. I was on top of the cliff while the rogue ganked our healer and prancing around when I unleashes a concussive shot on his ass, he somehow managed to get up to me and the dude fell down...
  13. Hobbes

    EU Looking to get into F2P Twinking (I have some questions)

    Really hard to gear a f2p now... bg quenes tale forever so no heirlooms until then, oh wait you can use white gear for ilvl...
  14. Hobbes

    My baby girl is here!

  15. Hobbes

    EU+US The possibility of soloing/tanking a Faction leader/boss.

    took us 5 man party 30 mins to down the leader without alliance bothering us, 1 healer 3 dps 1 tank.... it can be done with 3 if u enemy players dont attack
  16. Hobbes

    Android Games

    My boy could hook u up with flappy bird. Under the table ofc
  17. Hobbes

    what do 10s do more dmg or something

    what do 10s do more dmg or something
  18. Hobbes

    what was the hoax?

    what was the hoax?
  19. Hobbes

    US BH 101 ilvl 875

    whoops forgot about the underbelly, how do i delete this thread
  20. Hobbes

    US BH 101 ilvl 875

    wts ilvl 875 PLUS socket on bleeding hollow horde. [Six-Feather Fan] pm me