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  1. zerthio

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    brb making a feral horde are taking the piss with what there queuing on and gy farming instead of capping flags
  2. zerthio

    EU Current state of EU 19s

    I dont quite get why people go to great lengths to exaggerate that 1 faction wins 80-90% of all games heres the game history since i came back to the game on my rogue alone which shows 26 horde wins to 21 alliance wins.
  3. zerthio

    EU Current state of EU 19s

    Todays games where fun Kappa
  4. zerthio


    Guild is growing at a good pace and slowing building up the Gbank
  5. zerthio

    US Project: GG Nineteen

    Horde or Alliance? Would be willing to play either if one is lacking then let me know What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? Disc Priest,Reason behind this would be it is what i currently play on EU , If this class is over stacked please let me know and ill choose...
  6. zerthio

    Old School Twink coming back

    Hey rasta i remember some good times back then i still have arrowsinc and bragh on draenor horde and also dispelled so will prob renew the sub at some point this summer and hopefully get to play with you lot again if your all still on draenor horde
  7. zerthio

    Old School Twink coming back

    yeah made a 19 last night got about 3 hrs played on it so far Shèrm @ Ravencrest - Community - World of Warcraft still quite a few things to sort out but its a start.
  8. zerthio

    Old School Twink coming back

    Hey Guys, So im not sure who remains in the community from when i left it,But the last year i twinked was back when Blackout Battlegroup was the place to be(2010 i think ),When i first transfered to Draenor-Horde i met Bollo who had at the time just transfered and wanted to make an active...