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  1. Shelves Streaming Thread

    Streaming now.
  2. <Skill Ratio> Exposed by White Knight Fizzingforce

    Excuse me? This is the biggest of deals! I don't understand why we all sit by while this INJUSTICE and DRUG DEALING is happening?! I propose we take a stand! #banswiftnesspotions2k15 ! All twinks need drug testing! The cat is out of the bag, no more steroids! Err, swiftness potions!
  3. Shelves Streaming Thread

    A lot of other people are streaming so I decided to be an idiot and stream too! Tune in at Twitch Streaming NOW
  4. Fearthebuns/HB Stream

    Sick games, love how you talk with your chat (it's thritr4 in chat btw)
  5. US Bracket Queue Thread

    Anyone want to skype premade horde? Can boomy/disc btag is andrew#13530
  6. Call To Arms: Horde

    Had a couple good games today as horde, but horde barely controlled any objectives, didn't see any FCs on while ally was running two. If anyone wants to queue since I've just been soloing since I'm new add my btag. I've been playing disc/boomy depending on who's queueing on horde atm. Andrew#13530
  7. Looking for a Twink Cup Team!

    Hi all, currently looking for a twink cup team. I can play the following classes: Boomy, Feral, Resto Druid, Rogue, Hunter, BRM, Arms Warrior, Resto Shaman. Current Somewhat BIS Boomie: Qq @ Lightninghoof - Community - World of Warcraft I can switch to any class, but the classes listed...
  8. WTT 60 days game time for character xfer!

    Change currency to Brazilian for a $6 server transfer you goof.