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  1. Question about demonology warlocks

    Ok cool. TY for explaining :)
  2. Question about demonology warlocks

    Ok, well my curiosity has gotten the better of me. I am gunna make a 2nd gear set for Versatility.
  3. Question about demonology warlocks

    You are absolute right... the actual embarrassing reason is my OCD just couldn't handle a green piece of gear.
  4. Question about demonology warlocks

    Oh! So why is haste better for dotting? I am confused. Does it make the ticks faster?
  5. Question about demonology warlocks

    You know, I never thought of stacking Vers. Makes me think now :) TY
  6. Question about demonology warlocks

    My favorite veteran twink so far is my Demonology Warlock. I easily top the charts in a BG. However, I have a weird feeling that stacking Haste the way I did may be dumb since most of the spells are instant. Is it better to stack Crit? Take a look at my twink if you want: Djïnn @...
  7. Just a funny in-game chat lol

    LoL, let's chalk it up to accidental genius ;-)
  8. Just a funny in-game chat lol

    Haha! I was hoping he would so he could see the post lol. I don't know him. Was just a random arena 3v3.
  9. Just a funny in-game chat lol

    So, I am relatively new to F2P twinking (especially Veteran), and I was in a countdown waiting for the doors to open in an arena when this chat took place... LoL... and so I went on to explain how to start up a veteran account and stuff.
  10. Questions & Answers

    ...oh... I never thought of that. Thank you for explaining.
  11. Questions & Answers

    Yes, I know that there is no such thing as F2P with exp-on. I guess I didn't explain myself well enough for you. I should clarify a bit, so to be more specific. I am making a Veteran F2P account. I have about a week left of game time, so it's technically not a veteran yet. So what I have...
  12. Questions & Answers

    So... I feel like a complete moron now... All this time, I thought that if you stop-exp your toon, then any que for a BG was in a separate special bracket and really long que times. But today, I was informed (to which I verified) that a level 20 that stops-exp has the same que as a toon which...