Yep, and unfortunately, Guild Bank items will not be restored:
Luckily, was part of a twink guild and moved most of the valuable stuff into a Warbank, but sadly, many items are now lost forever :(
Zones that do not scale to your level will not typically drop loot for you. The rule of thumb is anything 11+ levels higher than you will not drop loot. As for Nok-Karosh, it can probably be done on a Tank, or Hunter, if not then, yeah, you may need to form a group.
Yeah... pretty bad game-wide solution for an endgame-only problem. Should just move the trinkets to the last boss' loot table rather than punish all players
WoW 20th Anniversary Event Update!
Looks like we're getting updated sets and items for the 20th Anniversary this year!
New Events!!!:
Blackrock Depths will return as a 10-15 man Raid (LFR, Normal, Heroic)
Return to the Gates of Ahn'Quiraj Anniversary Event available (Starting at level 15)...
Already discussed here for a bit:
But people who didn't log into their evoker before the Pre-patch got scaled down to level 10, but not their gear
I definitely think this is an interesting idea, but I do think quite a few of us are Vets, and it is pretty close to TWW launch so quite a few will be busy with that.
But to build off what you currently have:
Yes, you should definitely start with MOP Vendor Greens and work your way up from...
The ones that drop? Probably not, but it does look like:
Great guide! I would add a note about using Follower Dungeons as a quick way to escape/reset dungeons as well. The NPCs will also give you buffs and put down a mage table for you too. Only available in DF or non-Chromie Time of course...
Yep that's the correct mount, I just added a side note to let people know that they can transfer the Event currency from their low level toons to high level. The mount doesnt do anything special unfortunately
Also, here's a few more quests that provide neat unlocks: (Man'ari/Red Draenei) (Darkfallen Red Eyes for Elves and (Hunter...
Championlo had a good list of things to do here with the Sub active:
Most important things are to:
1. Unlock Dragon Isles adventure Mode
2. Log into all high level characters for Tmog unlocks...
Welcome Back Weekend (8/1-8/4) for Vets!
You can kill rares in the Azure Span for 50 rep (75 rep with the Dreamsurge active). You can also do the PVP Skirmishes weekly for 250 rep, though it is fairly slow (~14+ honor per loss, 35-70 per win, depending on match length)
Most rares scale to 30, but some scale to 20. Here's a pretty...
Pretty much you go fishing at a Fishing Hole for and use it to summon a Lunker. Not sure if it's available to F2P or if it requires Iskaaran Tuskarr rep or not