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  1. Toklo

    EU Looking for level 19 guild

    Looking for an EU level 19 guild. Simple as that!
  2. Toklo

    [Video] 99 Feral Twink Just thought I would share the latest twink video i've come up with. A lot of people have been asking about ferals and i've seen next to none in the bracket so I thought i'd give it a whirl.
  3. Toklo

    Let's get 3v3 active

    Short video showing some of the fun that can be had in 3v3 at this level. Obviously this isn't rated and there is little skill but it's just for fun. Essentially what i'm trying to say is. Let's get some 3v3 rolling!? It's super fun and has a much...
  4. Toklo

    [VIDEO] Level 99 Retribution Paladin Twink Video

    Hello everyone! No fancy legendaries or scaling weapons this time i'm afraid, but I hope you can still appreciate the pure awesomeness that retribution can bring to the battlefield. If you enjoyed it, I encourage you to drop the video a like and sub to my channel! I have a tonne of twink content...
  5. Toklo

    Level 98 Frost/Arcane Mage Legendary Staff Twink - AoE Globals and 120k+ crits Short montage of one shots and group killings using the legendary staff from cataclysm. Hope you enjoyed.
  6. Toklo

    Level 99 Fury Warrior using scaling weapons. 200k + crits and oneshots. Enjoy ^^ any questions just pop a comment on the video and i'll endeavor to reply. FAQ Q - Why are you not 99? A - I got the main perk I needed so leveling up would give only a tiny upgrade and i'm more willing to smash BGs than level in...
  7. Toklo

    [Video] Level 99 Frost DK Twink BG montage using scaling weapon

    Enjoy :D
  8. Toklo

    <We Took Mankriks Wife> Level 91-99 Twink Guild Alliance Argent Dawn

    Hello everyone! I would like to draw your attention to an emerging and highly active twinking bracket that I am now part of! First off, i'm going to highlight some benefits to this bracket. - All items in the game scale! What does this mean? You can take ANY item in the game, be it Fist...
  9. Toklo

    Level 91-99 Twink Guild (EU Argent Dawn)

    Hello everyone! I would like to draw your attention to the emerging and highly active twinking bracket that I am now part of! First off, i'm going to highlight some benefits to this bracket. - All items in the game scale! What does this mean? You can take ANY item in the game, be it Fist of...