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  1. 20-29 pug bgs

    this is why i play turtle wow for pvp now. My 20 sits idle Because the bg queues rarely pop and when they do its an unfun mess.
  2. living flame sod horde lets gooo

    living flame sod horde lets gooo
  3. Trinket with socket?

    legion world drop trinkets and socket
  4. What are old school 20s players doing nowadays?

    im playing turtle wow bames fugglumz and blightrunner
  5. WTS BiS Warforged twink gear (Any level between 10-60) EU

    u guys really need to ban these scammers. U pay the warforged item price in advance?????
  6. EDIT: Changes reverted!|Big changes to ilvl on PTR all epics nerfed to the ground except wod epics

    0% chance because old raids are a gold farming resource and you don't want f2p to be able to farm that much gold.
  7. Best Enchants, Engineer items, and Gems for 20 Hunter?

    have you even played a bg since dragonflight? i don't see u on
  8. Bracket extremely bursty right now?

    hmm he got 7k health as nuch u got as prot?
  9. Bracket extremely bursty right now?

    Lol now in the new year. Hey glance stop playing heartstone come play wow. Nah pvp queues are dead its a waste of time. This is why most people didn't reroll 29s. If you everyone just played 20 it would atill be active.
  10. Those damned queues

    just xp and off q
  11. Are you DF ready? Last minute advice thread for 29s

    xd did the 20-29 bracket go from u 20s need to queue to u otem lvl 86s need to queue? i was having fun in the games before second part of prepatach as a 20 and still had 29s crying your a hunter tho.
  12. 19s alive and well on Turtle WoW Private Server

    i tried turtle wow just to lvl to 60 without dying. the end game feels dead unless u want to do raids where people want you to farm flasks and get all world buffs on raids you arent progressing. Pvp at endgame is also just av but with no pvp at all just run to end and kill boss cause its fully...
  13. If you are still playing ... share your experience or thoughts with the 10-25 DF Prepatch...

    how is it a hunter meta and u got a 4k farkpact shield.
  14. If you are still playing ... share your experience or thoughts with the 10-25 DF Prepatch...

    the queues are popping at decent clip NA the balance of the teams tho depends on which team got more 29s
  15. Is 20-29 (and retail in general) twinking dying?

    its not dead right now tho hop on ur 20-29 and queue games are popping