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  1. rogue weapon

    I suppose I'll give this thread a quick bump (hijacking) instead of starting a new one on the same subject. My rogue is now 38 and is gearing up for the xp lock. I have the Dazzling Longsword (w/ +20 agi), but it's not equipped and I don't know if I ever really plan to use it. But, it's...
  2. Decision Time

    Thank you for all the replies. I think the plan is to grab holy gear for my pally, but keep him as ret most of the time. My roommate is thinking druid. I've seen the potential for druid FCing but I don't see many druid healers around in the BGs. Officially, his main complaint is being too...
  3. Decision Time

    My roommate had considered a warrior, but was worried about the lack of intercept (don't they pick it up at 30?) Anyway, I suppose a holy pally would help counter his kiteability some. I could pretty easily move from ret to holy. I'm surprised at your recommendations for rogue. I hardly ever...
  4. Decision Time

    My roommate and I both played twinks on Reckoning in the 39 bracket. However, since that seems to be dead and I don't have the cash to transfer toons, we've settled on just playing in the 29 bracket. Myself: I already have a a mute rogue (69) ret pally (29), a disc priest, an enhancement...
  5. 39 Paladin Changes (PTR Tested)

    I am also interested to know if anyone has any thoughts on fast vs. slow weapons for paladins after the patch.
  6. Weapon Decisions

    I have a paladin and shaman on the way up and I'd like to have a ret/enh set for them. I'm kind of stuck about weapons. I already own a BAR, but consistently farm for a PoD. From what I understand, PoD is above all other options for both classes. My question is, how far? Is it worth the time...