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  1. 10-19 TC Brackets, Rosters, Sign Ups, Schedule, Streams

    it was a joke - when your hunter disconnected we sat out our hunter, and he disconnected when we were up 2 caps in the first 4 minutes of the game. then we replayed you guys and we 3-0d you again. then for the 3rd match i personally disconnected and i dont know if they sat out or waited and we...
  2. Best of 19s :D

    Resto - Peace Boomkin - Yowza Guardian - Cytox Hunter: Staystrongx/Greasynerd Mage: Abnl/Bigmoran Monk: BM - Superslam Rogue: Unseenz Shaman: Bubbezirl Paladine: Bubbezy/Versey Priest: Synthictko Warrior: N/A Warlock: Tylerxo/Asbear gg gg
  3. 10-19 TC Brackets, Rosters, Sign Ups, Schedule, Streams

    i don't know what your laughing at you mediocre detriment moron, you're just another 1500 shitter at end game that think they're good in a dead bracket when you face us you're going to be shaking in your boots, more scared then ever. the beheading is soon. gg
  4. 10-19 TC Brackets, Rosters, Sign Ups, Schedule, Streams

    tylerxo from the team This Sunday Night, the underrated rbg legends from end game.. taking over each twink bracket one at a time. gg
  5. 10-19 TC Brackets, Rosters, Sign Ups, Schedule, Streams

    I will, but you must also look up the definition of slaughter and beheading because that's what's going to happen to you and your team in the tournament if you're competing in it.
  6. 10-19 TC Brackets, Rosters, Sign Ups, Schedule, Streams

    how are you saying I plan on hitting myrm. when i said that in chat we were against the paladin koncentrate and it was a joke to begin with you guys are making a big deal out of nothing nobody plans on hitting anybody in the tournament, whats the point when were just going to dominate anybody...
  7. 10-19 TC Brackets, Rosters, Sign Ups, Schedule, Streams

    yeah sorry i thought you were saying that since i said that shit about hitting someone in our raid chat and someone ironically went offline the next game you thought it was me.. my mistake
  8. 10-19 TC Brackets, Rosters, Sign Ups, Schedule, Streams

    ok first of all why the fuck would i hit someone when were playing a wargame that doesnt mean anything, 2nd of all it was a joke. we came to this bracket to win and have fun why would we ddos. and when your paladin went offline we had our paladin sit offline as well if you didn't see. and...