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  1. Hantanocks

    US tink Bodybuilding Cup

    Here is mine, mvp from Brazil playing on EU :$
  2. Hantanocks

    enhance shamans

    Here is one of my guild if you want to have an idea of the gear :ÿo/advanced :)
  3. Hantanocks

    BCEP Twinking Rated Addon now available for 19 !

    Thanks you guys, i really hope you will have fun with it :) !
  4. Hantanocks

    BCEP Twinking Rated Addon now available for 19 !

    Hey guys, Here is an add-on where you can have a rating doing skirmishes with your twinks on the following brackets : 85, 80, 70, 60, 29, 20 and now the bracket 19. In my opinion i think it's a good way to help to have more activity (i am speaking for EU side which doesn't have the same...
  5. Hantanocks

    Best of list

    Nature and smull are pidar sweden !
  6. Hantanocks

    19s Armory List

    Here is my little form feral : Wahgwanvex @ Eldre'Thalas - Communauté - World of Warcraft
  7. Hantanocks

    Feral Druid Ferocious Bite Bug

    Yeah, i was doing some test either on my 19, i wondered if it only was on priest with the bubbles, but bite doesn't work 100% against everything :S
  8. Hantanocks

    Mage info

    Sup mate, i have tried the mage these two last week, i did a mage orc for the 14 buff spell and i was going with full spell set (i don't have my char anymore i deleted to make a CC one) my gear was something like using the two spell trinkets looms with the black widow ring, i was near of the 2...
  9. Hantanocks

    Who do you like/respect most in this bracket?

    you are my second best friend lord bacon !
  10. Hantanocks

    Queue Up Friday :D

    will be there with 4,5 horde char with me
  11. Hantanocks

    Trading Gloomshroud Against 2 SF Or I Buy

    My first best friend xoxo s2
  12. Hantanocks

    WTB Walking Boots/Noble Robe and WTS Gloomshroud Armor/TSS

    Everything is in title, here is my btag "Hantanacks#2598"
  13. Hantanocks

    WarGames Horde

    Sup guys, A few of you know that i often organize some WG (not always balanced, sorry about that :x) but i try to get some WG each day with at least a 5vs5 (Only horde side) with some friends. At the moment we got a wg every day since last saturday, if you guys are willing to join us for...
  14. Hantanocks

    WSG on Friday!

    Some screen shot ?
  15. Hantanocks

    Who do you like/respect most in this bracket?

    Jizzusqt and Hantanacksqt are the player that i respect the most in this bracket, and also Destroluck because he is my first best friend
  16. Hantanocks

    WSG on Friday!

    I think we will miss some twink on the alliance side :s
  17. Hantanocks

    WSG on Friday!

    Dont worry about this my sweet first best friend :$ S2 xoxo
  18. Hantanocks

    WSG on Friday!

    Here is my btag, if you guys can add me. Hantanacks#2598
  19. Hantanocks

    WSG on Friday!

    Will be there either with some friends