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  1. Guild of mine is intrested in 70s. Looking for some info on the bracket.

    Would be interested in knowing what faction needs more 70s, as we are flexible and can probably do either. Also, what classes are good, bad, overplayed, needed, etc etc. Would appreciate any info.
  2. sodapoppin tc

    Mostly drunk. But yes, much salty too.
  3. sodapoppin tc

    This guy... I try to give everyone the benefi of the doubt, but I feel like he's an absolute douche. He thinks he's pro at every class, game, or everything he does. He's a terrible poker and blackjack player, yet he places huge bets becaus, why the fuck not, all the 12 year olds who watch him...
  4. BIS BM Monk

    There's a monk over on Tich, who's wearing a bunch of the wrong gear. I always die on the inside when he facerolls my team. BM monks are hurting this bracket. Most people who twink are young, and don't care about "doing the right thing". From your OP I can assume you arn't 10, and so I would...
  5. WTB Walking Boots - Bleeding Hollow

    Would prefer alliance but either is fine. Thanks.
  6. WTS GF'd/Rare/Twink Items on BH Horde

    If you have walking boots, I'd buy them.
  7. Most Underpowered Class?

    Well most rogues are doing something wrong in BGs these days, as they are easy kills and aren't very scary.
  8. Most Underpowered Class?

    I don't think fire mage is weak. Good mobility, reasonable damage, good CC. In pugs they certainly do fine. Ele is weak for sure. Purge is very strong and it's the reason blizzard is afraid to give shaman decent numbers or survivability. I'm currently playing one. Pretty fun. Affic lock is...
  9. Resurrecting All Brackets

    I'm with you, but if Blizzard can keep tinkering with this stat scaling business, then I think we could reach a point where a non twinked level 21 could actually put up a fight against a twinked out 29. Twinks will still have the upper hand, but that's no difference than a level 100 pug with a...
  10. Can BVB still be obtained?

    Yes. I got one on Friday.
  11. Making a movie. Need a list of speed boosts/funky items.

    If you're looking for big damage numbers, you could use drums of war, although you may not want to use that if you're goal is to portray the class acuratly. (Although, if anything, shamans deserve the ability to Bloodlust, so maybe it's fair :P)
  12. Haven't WoW'd in over 2 years, is it still fun? Any Xp off games on the regular?

    Sounds pretty crazy, but Blizzard has done a new thing with item and level scaling. So basically, a level 20 and a level 29 with the same gear are pretty much the same stat-wise. The difference would be that the level 29 has access to more abilities, enchants, and gear. My 29 warrior (who is...
  13. Rogue: What point is crit better than agility?

    I just did a bunch of testing at level 1 training dummies in Theramore and pretty much reached the same concision. What were your findings with haste?
  14. Rogue: What point is crit better than agility?

    Very cool. Appreciate the info.
  15. Rogue: What point is crit better than agility?

    I'm seeing a lot of very good rogues building glass cannon and stacking agility like mad, but at what point is crit better than agility on an item? From my limited testing, I've found that ele force procs are a huge portion of rouge damage, and crit is the way to increase that damage (haste...
  16. What actually killed each bracket?

    I was getting fairly frequent 19 games before WoD. I think it's just the nature of twinking. It'll get better as WoD gets older. Also, BM monks are beyond broken. I've been twinking for a long time, and I've never seen anything (save for exploits or bugs) be as insane as BM monks. It turns me...
  17. What can I do with this?

    Played a few games against him on my warrior. He is good. Curious as to what you dislike about his playstyle? Also, what would be a good replacement for Skullbasher in the mainhand?
  18. Making a new 29...what faction?

    I'm coming back to twinking in a bit, and I'm wondering what faction is in needs more 29 twinks. I don't really have a preference, just want to do my part in balancing the two factions:)
  19. I'm thinking of getting back into twinking. Where do I go?

    awesome, thanks for the info.
  20. I'm thinking of getting back into twinking. Where do I go?

    What's up TI. I have a 19 GF'd mage (still has the fishing boots on, despite them not working xD) and a semi GF'd 29 warrior. Looking to get back into 19's. Thoughts on servers/ faction? I'd like an active twink server/guild. Also, generally speaking, which faction has the better queue...