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  1. Pepsi

    EU wtb gold Ravencrest alliance Use dis site brother
  2. Pepsi

    29 Fury Stat Question

    I would go haste/versa, just cuz the haste helps the cd on ur spells and it increases the amount of hits u do with ur swords in a shorter period of time. Lastly the more u hit with ur weps the bigger chance of getting a crusader procc :)
  3. Pepsi


    So basicly Beth you like to see the world burn??
  4. Pepsi


    People with this consumeables can carry objectvily so much harder than 5 man pugs
  5. Pepsi


    Speedpots is worse than bamboo sticks. Change my mind :)))
  6. Pepsi

    Best twink class

    Fury is only insane if u speedpot, which 90% of the bracket does so yea :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))9
  7. Pepsi

    EU+US Food, flasks, potions, and engineering in BGs

    Havent got a clue
  8. Pepsi

    EU+US Food, flasks, potions, and engineering in BGs

    Hmm. Alchemy Flask, you get when you reach 300 in alchemeny which gives you +11 in your favourable stats fx. Rogues get +11 agi.
  9. Pepsi

    EU 29 rop frostmane horde

    I bid 7,5 dollars
  10. Pepsi

    EU+US 20-29 Bracket - Your Real Age! (If you dare)

    How the fuck are u 29? Thought u were a brain damaged teenager. Shet
  11. Pepsi

    EU More epic battlegrounds? POLL

    Can't kill what is already dead :)))
  12. Pepsi

    EU WTS 29 ROP - Ravencrest alliance - Sold

    Can I pay in personal services? <3 <3
  13. Pepsi

    EU More epic battlegrounds? POLL

    Cant beat em? Join em
  14. Pepsi

    EU WTS 29 BVB - Sold.

    20 dollars
  15. Pepsi

    EU I`m going to hell :(((

    riiiiiip hahahahahha
  16. Pepsi

    EU Horde quit using this pls.

    So many noobs uses consumeables now its uncommen to see twinks without.
  17. Pepsi

    EU WTS cloak of rot

    fight me
  18. Pepsi

    EU+US Vibroblade

    Depends, would u mind checking the procc rate for me? If you have a decent 1 enough, it would surely be BIS
  19. Pepsi

    EU+US does anyone even play shaman anymore?

    Well depends what u face tbf. If u face like 5 twinks i promise u you'll be happy to even be at the top with either healing or dps. Aslong as u are not getting focused ull thrive, but when u are its done.