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  1. virginia

    Do You?????

    It's going to be legal, so get on the right side of history. Hate is hate is hate.
  2. virginia

    Do You?????

    Say there is only one gay man and one lesbian left on Earth. They can reproduce. It's common sense! Also, sterile people can't reproduce, and the population is going up, not down!
  3. virginia

    Do You?????

    Just a little note of how many times we have changed the original definition of marriage. 1. Legalization of divorce 2. Criminalization of marital rape (and recognition that the concept even exists) 3. Legalization of interracial marriage 4. Legalization of contraception 5. Recognition of...
  4. virginia

    Do You?????

    If you're worried about reproduction and population, just think of it this way. Homosexuality has existed since ancient Greece, and now we have 7 billion people on Earth. But I respect your opinions. We just have different ones. :)
  5. virginia

    Do You?????

    That will never happen... And besides, that would affect straight people too.
  6. virginia

    Do You?????

    IVF for lesbians and commercial surrogacy for gay men. Or again, adopt.
  7. virginia

    Do You?????

  8. virginia

    Do You?????

    What function though?
  9. virginia

    Do You?????

  10. virginia

    Do You?????

    Slavery was "their views"? Even more reason to shove it down throats... Looks like someone supports slavery?!
  11. virginia

    Do You?????

    Of course you would think that. You just scream narrow minded. And I'm a straight female btw. Not every straight person is like you. :)
  12. virginia

    Do You?????

    You're definitely going to be that guy still using the Bible to hate on gays 15 years later when most of the world has legalized same-sex marriage. You and all anti-gays should go live in Africa, where you can all share the same BIGOTED views.
  13. virginia

    Do You?????

    Beliefs that teach you to discriminate against another human being.
  14. virginia

    Do You?????

    If God is real, I would think he is not narrow minded like you. If he created mankind, he must love each and every one of them 100%, no double standards. And if not, then God is a bad example for people.
  15. virginia

    Do You?????

    Lol of course you would...
  16. virginia

    Do You?????

    And what about a happily married straight couple who are atheists?
  17. virginia

    Do You?????

    Thanks. Changing to outside of one's marriage.
  18. virginia

    Do You?????

    Then it doesn't make sense to use religion as an excuse, since you sin as well. If "homosexuality is a sin", then it's no different from what you do. According to you, everyone sins. So anyone can get married since sin is not a reasonable factor. Any more excuses?
  19. virginia

    Do You?????

    We've already accepted sex outside of one's marriage (adultery) and sexual intercourse between two unmarried persons (fornication). Next is gay marriage. And you won't have anything left to HATE on. Oh no! Then anyone is allowed to marry. Sorry if you can't grasp that.
  20. virginia

    Do You?????

    You've lied at some point. Lying is a sin. You don't deserve straight marriage. That's what you sound like.