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  1. Celqis

    Calcium is back up!

    Cheers bud, Appreciate it!
  2. Celqis

    Calcium is back up!

    well we have old members re-joining, Obscene is back, Dorisbesteu is back i'm trying to get a hold of the guys and girls but half of them have quit wow, so hence why i'm putting it on twinkinfo to get people rejoining :) But to answer your question, we do have a few of them. and more are joining...
  3. Celqis

    Calcium is back up!

    As you all may remember, Calcium was once a great guild. With alot of RBG's, Alot of PvE and PvP. Social and fun. Well here it is, Calcium is reborn and we already have quite a few members, We are doing guild Heroic runs and normal dungeons / battlegrounds, and had our first RBG on 17/02/2014...
  4. Celqis

    Any Questions? Ask Them Here! Get your 3 posts!

    Re: Any Questions? Ask Them Here! Get your 10 posts! How many posts do i need to post a thread? ^_^
  5. Celqis

    WoD: How do you think the new expansion will effect the bracket?

    I sincerely hope you're right! for everyone's sake...
  6. Celqis

    Rogue Gearing Debate

    i would say brutal 4 set all day...
  7. Celqis

    Best comps?

    2s = Disc / prot or Disc / sub. 3s could be anything from RMP to Double prot / disc, Disc rogue / prot
  8. Celqis

    Confirmed return of Skirmishes

    Oh awesome! Skirmishes are so much fun + great for warm ups!
  9. Celqis

    WoD: How do you think the new expansion will effect the bracket?

    i Personally cant see anything changing... Will be as unstable as usual. and as Overpowered as usual. Blizz never changes pvp for the better IMO =\
  10. Celqis

    Ante Amanthe - RBGs

    Saw you guys in RBG last night, you were insane! :L
  11. Celqis

    Battle Fatigue nerf in 5.4.7 aka "I was wrong, they dont care..."

    Quite looking forward to it to be honest, Make things a bit harder :)
  12. Celqis

    Been dead for a couple of months

    LOL how dumb do i feel -.- Thanks for updating me bud ahaha have a good night.
  13. Celqis

    Been dead for a couple of months

    Good evening! I have recently taken it upon myself to revive "Calcium" On sylvanas - Alliance - for all those who miss it! Once we have enough members it will be organised BG's/ Heroic & raid progression. Old school level 70 times Send me a message on here or on WoW - Draxulate-Sylvanas.