Search results

  1. Shadytko

    Warlords of Warsong - The Most Active Twink Guild in WoW! Recruiting Mankrik (H) and Pagle(A) !!

    Used to think with no mercy back in the day. But yeah that’s be awesome, cya there.
  2. Shadytko

    Warlords of Warsong - The Most Active Twink Guild in WoW! Recruiting Mankrik (H) and Pagle(A) !!

    Just asking. Just coming back to the game and was gonna boost a toon on pagle. I miss twinking so was looking to make one as well.
  3. Shadytko

    EU+US 70-79 Battletag list

    Shadytko#1805 Alliance 70
  4. Shadytko

    US Sunwell clear tonight! "That seventies show" alliance

    Was a good run! Looking forward to more
  5. Shadytko

    US 70 Twink guild or home realm Updates (OLD) 70-79 guild recruitment thread for NEW

    Currently leaving up another 70 to join you guys. Should be fun and looking forward to it.
  6. Shadytko

    US Possible Premade Recruitment Thread

    Shadytko#1805 Hmu, I'm always down to play. Mostly Ally
  7. Shadytko

    US 29's Battle Tag List

  8. Shadytko

    US 29's Battle Tag List

    Shadytko#1805 Always looking for games and such.
  9. Shadytko

    wargame 28/2/16
  10. Shadytko

    wargame 21/2/16

    Alliance boomy here if ya need.
  11. Shadytko

    wargame 28/2/16

    Boomy Alliance if ya need.
  12. Shadytko

    Wargame 27/2/16

    I could always roll on my 24 horde. Resto/Boomy, Spriest, Rogue, Warrior.
  13. Shadytko

    20 - 29 Btag's

  14. Shadytko

    Wargame 27/2/16

    Sounds good to me. I'm in.
  15. Shadytko

    < SupaNova > Guild Recruitment

    1) how long have you played WoW for? - I have played since the release of BC. That was when I found the glory of twinking. I took a break in Wrath and most of WoD but I'm back now! 2) how long have you twinked for and what brackets? - I have been playing twinks since BC and never stopped while I...
  16. Shadytko

    <Twinks Eat Twinkies> Recuitment

    Hey there. I'm interested in your Boomy slot. I really only roll Boomy twinks so... Shadytko#1805. HoneyBadger can vouch for me.
  17. Shadytko

    Call to Arms in here, lets synch up. [Horde]

    Always looking for games and groups. Add my BT Shadytko#1805 ( Horde 24s )
  18. Shadytko

    [US] < Sanctuary > Tichondrius Horde

    Re: (24) < Sãnctuary > Alexstrasza - Horde US Alright sounds good. Won't be transferring for a couple days. Still need to get a couple BoA's and such but I'll talk to you guys in game. Thanks.
  19. Shadytko

    [US] < Sanctuary > Tichondrius Horde

    Re: (24) < Sãnctuary > Alexstrasza - Horde US I'm in the process of gearing a 24 and I'm interested in joining if you guys are still recruiting. 24 Boomy/Resto Druid. Currently on Burning Blade but I'm looking to transfer over. I'm experienced with most toons. Shadytko is my name if you wanna...