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  1. Shadow Priest 70 Twink

    Or now I see Disc is op? Should I play Disc or Shadow?
  2. Shadow Priest 70 Twink

    Hello, I have a 70 Shadow priest on Bleeding Hollow. I was wondering if anyone can answer a few questions? Are shadow priests viable in the 70 bracket? Is there a shadow priest I can copy for bis? Is there any 70 twink guilds on bleeding hollow horde? Thank you
  3. 10 Twink joining the 19 Bracket

    Hello, I was wondering how active the 19 bracket is? 10 Twinking has become no fun for me anymore and it seems i am going to start 19ing. I want to play a guardian druid, if anyone has any tips I would really appreciate it. Also i think i may stay on my server which is Illidan Horde unless a...
  4. Streaming Twink World PVP
  5. Exp Off BG Saturday, September 28!

    wish i could have made it :/ so who won?
  6. Exp Off BG Saturday, September 28!

    100% down Zquîl @ Illidan - Community - World of Warcraft
  7. Returning to lvl 10 twinking!

    Hey guys i am returning to lvl 10 twinking. Currently playing a rogue (Zquîl @ Illidan - Community - World of Warcraft) also if you want to real id me my bt is dinodoonan#1489. Had a great time yesterday doing wargames and today doing some arena. Community is looking real strong and i am glad to...
  8. Want to get into bracket. Few question

    Well and i think i should use the pvp boa daggers right?
  9. Want to get into bracket. Few question

    I may. My rogue is basically finished just need rings and belt. Zquîl @ Illidan - Community - World of Warcraft
  10. Queue Warsong Gulch 20:00 28/09 @ Saturday!

    How is the community on EU? Just started Twinking again.
  11. Want to get into bracket. Few question

    I am a guild leader on Illidan and i may start a twink guild here on Illidan. Or may transfer to Hellscream haven't decided yet.
  12. lvl 1 twink HP stacking guide

    This is very interesting. Are there many level 1 twinks?
  13. Warscrub Gulch - XP on WSG post-5.1

    May try this out. Thank you!
  14. Want to get into bracket. Few question

    Also there may be other servers so please don't take offense anyone this is just from what i have seen on my first day back.
  15. Streaming 10 Twink Arenas ^_^

    Great job yesterday Aegis. Keep it up for the community!
  16. Want to get into bracket. Few question

    I am just getting back into 10 twinks and we had a great time yesterday doing wargames. From what i see it looks like horde is favored. People are very active again it looks like a lot of people are coming back. We are on a bunch of servers, it's cross realm so it doesn't really matter what...
  17. Level 10 Twinks US: We're not dead yet!

    That was a great time. So i am coming back to the twinking world! I started a rogue if anyone wants to add me dinodoonan#1489 Thanks Aegis!