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  1. Screenshot Thread

    Are you Calm on US too? He's EU sounding in Skype and I didn't connect the two..
  2. I hate people.

    I tend to find the younger twinks are usually not the ones on BH, since the ones on BH usually have some sort of job to fund what are usually pretty expensive twinks. Also I dont know if life is different for non-immigrant families, but if I tried to tell my Mom or Dad I needed 30-60 bucks for a...
  3. Meet The Twinks: HB

    HB and I, I think the week after we first met, had a podcast together where we talked about how you are either a nice, positive person who helps the bracket or you play long enough to get disillusioned and become a villain. I defended the latter, because of course, by that point that's where I...
  4. Should something like this be allowed in the Twink Cup/PuG's?

    No ,what we learned is that people, as always, are all willing to be go along with things as long as it benefits you and the second it doesn't they join the crowd of pissants. Nothing is new here. When Enti's first game out everyone whined and cried, then it became easy to get and everyone just...
  5. US Project: GG Nineteen

    Horde or Alliance? Horde What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? I'm debating this and I want your opinion. I want some sort of healer because I have a Horde DPS and an Alliance DPS/Healer and I think both teams consistently need healers, especially Horde. I'm...
  6. Should something like this be allowed in the Twink Cup/PuG's?

    Scope The fascinating thing about the fact that most of us queue 5 mans on Horde is that it's pretty easy to AFK someone out of a game :)
  7. 1.12.1 Best Twink Mage Gear

    I think Greenweave was BiS for bracers. Cloak was WSG. I think Sentinel's for neck. TCS for weapon. Hydra for fire.
  8. Just another boring quitting thread.

    damn piece bro.. lets talk over skype sometime before you're gone for good? and grats on the ring :p. i knew she was a keeper esp w/ them squats tho. grats on graduating you nerd
  9. Private Server - Molten. Looking for old school players of ruin/reckoning

    Word, would be fun to catch up with them again. Miss so many of those guys/gals. Dismay <3
  10. Skill Ratio/pugs/venting

    Let's be real.. if a team of six - seven of the best players in the bracket (or hell, let's say four, three, whatever, I don't give a fuck) are losing, it's probably not because of something they did. I'll explain why I AFK games w/ Ezeron and Skeezin. First, I play a fucking mage. Stop...
  11. EU+US To the WSG Lovers in the 10-19 Bracket

    Can't wait to farm all the idiots that LoS their healers now. If anything it's now easier to farm since healers can't stand in the bank out of range keeping the world up (and/or casters). Let's not pretend like GY farmers can't / don't go into the actual graveyard.
  12. 19s Screen Shot Thread

    What's crazy is how many of the people on that list ended up playing F2P... Most of the EU guys were on AP (Watchaa, Shaitaan etc.) - all that time we spent bitching about EU vs US and we eventually got what we wanted 5 years later! Are you Locke? Always loved that priest.. the reason I...
  13. Disc Priest: Vers or Haste

    Oh sorry, I didn't write clearly... my bad! I meant burst healing is the most in the bracket leading you to have the ability to actually use your other spells without letting people die around you. Burst damage (I assume) is still Ferals... given I've been flat out one shot multiple times...
  14. Veteran Armory List

    Then what's the point of asking who he is if you don't know who some of the biggest rogues on the US side of the bracket are? Must just like watching yourself type...
  15. Who do you want to see this revival?

    Okay good, as long as it's a legit reason and not something silly like "real life." I retain my hope, Firelord.
  16. Post your MOGS! (39s) Only

    Wontstawp @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft Damn Tiptoe - that's sexy as hell. I was going for something like that but Lorewalker's is such a pain... I need a Mag'har tabard
  17. Dot spreading weapon enchant? Melee/Caster

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. WHY?! :( Did you see my warlock? I didn't think anyone else did the same rotation...
  18. Disc Priest: Vers or Haste

    It's haste all the way. Anyone who says otherwise is just wrong. You have the most aggressive burst in the bracket and literally every GCD saved/used efficiently maximizes your teams value more than any other class. IE: Getting that Flash off faster or those penance ticks off faster gives you...
  19. US Bracket Queue Thread

    Horde or Alliance needs help?
  20. Veteran Armory List

    He's Movementz, a rogue on the same level of talent as Medanx, Riotqt and/or Nvdiss. IE: He can say that kinda shit.