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  1. Hashbrowns

    Help me figure out my damage

    I also have some massive Bloodthrist sometimes as a 20. My guess is trinket proc, Crusader, and a high damage roll from your wep swing. Or scaling is just bonked.
  2. Hashbrowns

    Timewalking Dungeons now TBC

    It was a warlock, might have been 80... definitely higher level. I will try this log out tonight, thanks!
  3. Hashbrowns

    Timewalking Dungeons now TBC

    I'm talking about the TW version of It exists, I've seen it drop, just didn't get it. I don't think there's an ICD, looks good for max rot DoT classes. I will report back when I get it. Is there a way to walk into Timewalking? I'm...
  4. Hashbrowns

    Timewalking Dungeons now TBC

    Anyone loot Tooltip says 70-80 extra damage, it looks quite good.
  5. Hashbrowns

    WoW 20th Anniversary Event Update!

    Can we get Scholomance, I’m yet to see that. Also is the headmasters charge staff actually epic like the dungeon journal says?
  6. Hashbrowns

    XP off npc moved?

    You are likely phased, try cata timeline
  7. Hashbrowns

    3 socket neck

    I don’t recall the name but you need all three (bronze, silver, gold). I heard you need to apply them in that order as well.
  8. Hashbrowns


    Exiles Reach should be fine. When you reach org/stormwind instead of going in just head out into the world. It will ask if you want to exit the tutorial, say yes. Then you can go in and fix timewalking, if you still can’t see the xp eliminator dude.
  9. Hashbrowns

    The War Within - Changes to Gear, gems, enchants and pots.

    (classic) Alchemist Flask is giving +4 stats, didn’t seem too good
  10. Hashbrowns

    The War Within - Changes to Gear, gems, enchants and pots.

    ICC gear on 20 still not usable (and its bad anyways) ilvl 101 seems really high for a green, too bad we still can't use Old one, can't be used Old farmed helms not usable but newly farmed ones look OK stat wise. Still can't get HoA I don't believe.
  11. Hashbrowns

    The War Within - Changes to Gear, gems, enchants and pots.

    Can you check proc on dagger? Thank you
  12. Hashbrowns

    The War Within - Changes to Gear, gems, enchants and pots.

    Wowhead, for what it's worth. This expansion looks fun Compared to
  13. Hashbrowns

    Same question about while WoD TW...

    Same question about while WoD TW, turning in BC quests
  14. Hashbrowns

    Does with Legion TW work on a BC...

    Does with Legion TW work on a BC dungeon quest, anyone have some numbers on that?
  15. Hashbrowns

    Can I level up automatically from 20 when buying subscription?

    So long as you don't log into the character it won't apply the banked XP. In theory, you can buy a month, unlock the Trading Post on some new character, wait for your sub to expire, and then you can loot the chest without issue.
  16. Hashbrowns

    [F2P] Holy Paladin FTW

    If you do enough damage, the roles stop mattering. Especially if you have a little leech. DPS is the way to go.
  17. Hashbrowns

    2 Fury Warriors Assassinate Magtheridon

    I enjoyed it as well, makes me want a fury warrior!
  18. Hashbrowns

    How to hit high level mobs ?

    I think the Thanksgiving table food buff still gives hit… no idea if it actually works though