Search results

  1. Shattered Sun Offensive rep?

    Why not just get two skullbreakers?
  2. Armory Poll

    I really don’t have too much of an opinion on the matter, but when I’m looking at an armory I am always trying to figure out why the person decided to go that direction with gear. I think the perfect armory would have a link to the armory and maybe a short sentence explaining the build. E.g...
  3. Looks like they fixed the ability to bug artifact weapons but not the ones already bugged

    I think you should keep testing. It seems like you are on to something
  4. Looks like they fixed the ability to bug artifact weapons but not the ones already bugged

    This is a great idea. I think a better idea is just level your own twink get all 3 artifacts and then make sure you test it out with relics that are prime numbers +3, +5, +7.
  5. Protection Paladin Weapon and Shield

    I don't believe so, but if you need help getting revenger just message me at Veryscary#1994 and I'd be more than happy to help
  6. Protection Paladin Weapon and Shield

    The point is to kind of be a sitting duck
  7. Protection Paladin Weapon and Shield

    This is my armory link. It might not be the most optimized, but it is what I have found works for me. Veryscary
  8. Protection Paladin Weapon and Shield

    Its a 346 drainlife for me in BGs. then it gets really nutty when crusader procs.
  9. Protection Paladin Weapon and Shield

    I've been playing prot. pally since the beginning of the expansion. I think the being able to weapon swap crusader is better than ilvl 34 artifact. I tend to use Revenger. It is an agility weapon, but should be easily soloable to get.
  10. Ele force advice

    Shamans at this level can cast a lot of spells. - Earthen Rage (each tick is considered a spell that can proc elemental force) - Frost Shock (even even though it isn't considered a Damage over Time effect, it does tick for 6 seconds and each tick can proc elemental force) - Flame Shock (this one...
  11. Hardest non-healer spec to kill in BG right now?

    I strongly disagree with this statement. I have have played protection paladin this expansion and have had some very good experiences with group based pvp. Tank specialization is just like any other utility spec when playing objective based pvp. As a Tank you are a damage soaker, an off-healer...
  12. LF 20 Twinks on Stormscale (US) and Connected Realms

    Look for 20 Twinks for farming / trading / dungeon runs on Stormscale and connected realms Frostwolf, Vashj, Drak'Tharon, Firetree, Malorne, Rivendare, Spirestone Contact me via battletag Veryscary#1994
  13. Farming Friends! (F2P/Vet tags)

    vet - US - Veryscary#1994
  14. Checking for Interest - Low Level Gloves with Glove Reinforcements.

    I have several pairs of Low Level Gloves with Glove Reinforcements, not sure if they are of use to anyone. Thorbia's Gauntlets x4 - enchanted with +10 stam (require lvl 9 ) / 4 agy or int / 3 stam Glove of the Fang x2 - enchanted with +10 stam (require lvl 8 ) / 3 agy or int / 3 stam Magefist...
  15. Most Prized Twinks Flex Thread

    Several twink from my years of playing the 29 bracket. - Coolest Thing is Probably the Sergeant Title on The Priest. PRIEST - MAGE -ëryscary SHAMAN -...
  16. Unusual Twink specs EP.1 The 20-29s Shockadin Basics

    Doesn't haste benefit Elemental Force Procs as well?
  17. Unusual Twink specs EP.1 The 20-29s Shockadin Basics

    I've been working on a similar idea. Still a little rough at the moment. The only issue I see that while they have quite a bit of burst its hard to sustain damage over a period of time. If they had a "smite" like spell it might be more viable. Armory Link Below...
  18. Warforged Invasion Gear

    I don't have a full set, but I have the ones that count. Finished up Friday working on other toons now. Veryscary