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  1. F2P Nationality / Countries

    Vive la France :D
  2. F2P Movies Thread

    I don't understand what this video brings to the community, no good moves, no big damages, no plays at all; just a rogue addicted to speed pot OSing low-geared random. If a jaja would make a video of him winning a "semi 24s premade" it would looks the same. I know i'm not on topic but really...
  3. hey

    Bop, your post is full of arrogance, i've arena with/against probably the best EU hunter (Lullabyu) and his win ratio was incredibly high, he even had to play on his alt cause hunters were kinda 'banned' later on. You should (everybody should) watch Nevmind's arena clips (and learned from it) to...
  4. hey

    You keep talking about you and me and still don't have a clue where i play/who i play/how i play. Your "opinion" of your saying hunters aren't scary in arena is just bull****, tell me then why on your very loved server you made some rules about hunters/warrior/rogues in arenas ? Tell me then why...
  5. hey

    That made me giggle, i don't know you, you don't know me, imagine if i'm being as stupid as you and just respond the same stuff to you... I'm just trying to tell to the people here, badly tho my english is not perfect, that they shouldn't take your facts as real, simply cause it's pretty much...
  6. hey

    I'm trying to stay calm really but when i read such bull**** it's very difficult. And again, i dunno who are the hunters you arenas with but if you say you handle them easily i have bad news to them. A decent hunters in arena with moth just global your healer's *** (ty buble i'm able to live 8...
  7. Hunters with no aspect on

    Why play hunter when you seek challenge
  8. maybe more 24s coming to this bracket?

    Achmed, I think you're incorrect. Get off your high horse dude, you play f2p and I don't think that your endgame experience is very relevant to this discussion.
  9. 19s back

    My signature getting bigger and bigger everytime you post :rolleyes:
  10. Most Complex Class

    Keep it up bro, i don't know where you find all these bullshit stories but i have to admit you have some nice creativity. I won't go more off-topic since arguing with you is obviously a waste of time
  11. Most Complex Class

    Imma make a book of all your retarded quote dude, you're such a treasure when it comes to bullshit
  12. The Best Healer Class?

    Srly stop saying fake stuff on TI, i'm sick of those people making up fake set up to prove a point or something. On my undergeared hunt, i solo well geared druids. You are just talking about retarded hunt using steady shot at full Focus. 2 well geared hunt just rape you in no time, so please be...
  13. The Best Healer Class?

    Ofc they aren't, who dafuq can possibly think any healing class is op atm ? Paladin and druid are the most efficient in bg ONLY BECAUSE they can survive by themself, in a premade all heal are welcome.
  14. PVP music

    Mortal Kombat Theme Song Original - YouTube Music of Cataclysm - The Shattering [Login Screen] - YouTube Starcraft 2 - Terran Themes 30+ minutes - YouTube
  15. How are priests atm?

    Is this a 19s post ? I'm confused with all these weird trolls :confused:
  16. How are priests atm?

    So much troll dude, you should feel bad. To stay on topic, haste isn't better than stam that isn't better than crit or whatever, it depends on the playstyle, choose your own and get over with.
  17. How are priests atm?

    Are you playing the same game as we ? In other word, stop telling fake bullshit please
  18. BIS fc and why

    Is it me or you just read what you like ? When you go efc, you focus the healers first, a prot warrior with healers goes down way faster than protadin with healers for the reasons listen above, the o will destroy your healers and you have nothing to help them, a protadin can do almost unlimited...
  19. BIS fc and why

    Moreover, when you o you generally take care of the healers first, wars have nothing to help their healers, protadins, again, have huge arsenal to do so. Plus, protadins will always remain a safe choice when premadin because it is never useless in midle teamfight, a prot warrior bring nothing...
  20. BIS fc and why

    Protadin by far, stun cleanse silence loh offheal. It has everything better that a war has, exepect maybe mobity