Search results

  1. Gankedsta

    Most interesting gear available for 10's

    I have 2 Keen Machete on a an old level one twink on Aerie Peak (us) as well as a broken barn door and battered fishing hat.
  2. Gankedsta

    Lets get Alliance 10s active!

    On bleeding hollow we have a guild <Westfall Police Dept> which has 5 active members. We have some funding and are looking to start doing a lot more; especially a 5v5 warding. It's become the hub for ally 10's just add me in game or pm me for more details Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Gankedsta

    Balance Druid: 10 or 12?

    My suggestion; just make both. Experiment with the level 12 druid and see how it feels. If eventually you max out profs and play around with stats you could find something unique others haven't done yet. Although, if you aren't one for experimenting or don't have the funds/time to do that just...
  4. Gankedsta

    Lets get Alliance 10s active!

    I have a fury warrior and mistweaver monk both are ally! I was going to faction change, but I won't if people are serious about getting more ally together. Add me - DizzyRogue#1921
  5. Gankedsta

    <one> is now recruiting! Vek'nilash alliance

    Feel free to add me! Btag is DizzyRogue#1921. My toon is Ikov, level 1 mage.
  6. Gankedsta

    Best places for PvP

    Personally, I've found that the crossroads hasn't been to bad. You'll find questing around, however, it's still just isn't as good as westfall for horde. Happy Hunting!
  7. Gankedsta

    Battle Tags and arenas

    DizzyRogue#1921 Fury warrior