Search results

  1. WTS 2x Gloomshroud Armor Draenor Horde!!

    bump, still 1 for sale!
  2. WTS 2x Gloomshroud Armor Draenor Horde!!

    WTS 2x Gloomshroud Armor on Horde Draenor, prefering Gold or other offers!! PM here please!!
  3. WTB Defias Belt on Draenor!!

  4. WTB Defias Belt on Draenor!!

    WTB Defias Belt on Draenor, can trade too, can offer Woodworking Gloves, Metalworking Gloves, Defias Boots for Trade PM me with offer Greetings Medo
  5. Veteran Armory List

    Fire Mage Medoz @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft
  6. Selling twink items

    interested in 1-2 pairs walking boots, prefer on one realm if you have 2 pm me please greetings medo
  7. Question about ToV!

    Thanks, ll try it then, and yeah i know that it is from junkboxes, farmed over 5k from them
  8. Question about ToV!

    Could i equip both daggers, the level 11 and level 7 version of Talon of Vultros together? Thanks, greets Medo!
  9. Need Help with an Addon

    I need an addon that accept automaticly the message [accepting this invitation may transfer you to another realm] when i become invited maybe someone could help me please!! greetings and thanks medo!
  10. GFED Items back in Game

    I cant confirm it atm but i think that items like Blackened Defias Boots and Belt are back in game, if u look on undermine journal EU wide there are over 80 Blackened Defias Belts and over 30 Boots, maybe someone can confirm it for those or other items!!
  11. Headenchants

    Headenchants scaling down now, Falcons Call = 4 Attackpower 4 Crit 4 Stamina Arcanum of Ferocity = 5 Attackpower 5 Crit @ level 19
  12. WTS Shadowfang!

    yeah still for sale, on Draenor Horde, taking only offers via Paypal, greetings
  13. WTS Tarnished Raging Berserker's Helm enchanted with Falcon's Call

    I m selling my last enchanted Heirloom Head, think over 5-10 people who bhought enchanted Loomheads can vouch for me!!! Selling this one with Falcon's Call +24 Attackpower +10 Stamina +10 Hit, will change to crit in WoD Bid here or PM with bid, greetings Medo
  14. LF Someone with unbound Gloomshroud (Not buying)

    WTS Gloomshroud Armor wasnt one year online that guy, now still active his main: Caèdmon @ Twisting Nether - Community - World of Warcraft other twink: Razhagal @ Argent Dawn - Community - World of Warcraft GL, found no time to contact him, and dont know if he is scamming or joking...