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  1. hilde

    Herald of the Titans warrior dps - any tips?

    I will have to see the make up of whatever raid I'm joining but trying tanking it is not out of the question, if having a weapon be as slow as possible is very important I have an agil 2.8o 219 one from rasorscale due to me hoarding anything that looks pretty :p And I could put +30 stamina into...
  2. hilde

    Herald of the Titans warrior dps - any tips?

    Thanks alot for your reply you mean I should just to choose to tank it instead?( I have the legacy of thunder and the boreal guard) With the gear that I have? I was thinking of leatherworking, but considering how much gold I used to level enchanting that's a chilling thought, unless I had...
  3. hilde

    Herald of the Titans warrior dps - any tips?

    Heya, I'm new here *waves* Hope this is the right place to post this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. So I'm going for herald of the titans on my warrior, and I'm looking for tips on doing high dps at level 80 in herald gear. I tried for it this friday, but due to the strategy...
  4. hilde

    Spirit Beast Tarming

    My strategy with getting the spirit beasts have been not to camp, but to check every now and then. I had my hunter in amberpine log( is an inn) and went out to check and back in again every now and then. Then one fateful evening while i was doing icecrown dailies on a max level character with...
  5. hilde

    Need 10 posts

  6. hilde

    Need 10 posts

  7. hilde

    Favorite Race/Class/Sex?

    female gnome rogue( with pink hair) :3 Male troll druid or hunter
  8. hilde

    Need 10 posts

  9. hilde

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  10. hilde

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  11. hilde

    Need 10 posts

    of :o
  12. hilde

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  13. hilde

    Need 10 posts
