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  1. Cross Realm WPvP Saturday 12 PM : Zul'Gurub Event

    Nerf Elemental Shaman. wasn't intended but where the fights took place Elemental shaman with 1/2 a brain killed everyone at first location.
  2. Mogging into Corrupted Ashbringer? is a paladin on alliance side with a Corrupted Asbhringer that takes his viewers through and does 5 stockades runs/hour looking for the pick he then loots the pick mogs it and trades it back within 2hours. he does stockades because hogger has a low loot table, convenient...
  3. Deepwind Gorge achievement at any level.

    Im a Worgen? lol
  4. Deepwind Gorge achievement at any level.

    heres a picture of me getting the acheivment on my main and my F2P at the same time at this spot NOTE: its kind of tricky to find the right spot once you see you have the preparation buff you get in BG's your in the right spot, just have the flyer move to the...
  5. Questions & Answers

    my initial thought was goblin hunter but after some thought i was not sure
  6. Questions & Answers

    What is a extremly high skill cap F2P class. that is all around very viable,underplayed, and wouldnt be concidered OP Serendepityz @ Tichondrius - Community - World of Warcraft wanting to get back into F2P after finally having a break from intense PvE raiding