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  1. thinking about 24s

    Hi guys, after trying out 20 ftp I'm considering 24's. I have always felt that twinking is maximising your character, to deliberately limit yourself to level 20 is a strange take on this idea. Which server offers the best community? I've heard Sanctuary is good but are there others? What are...
  2. Questions & Answers

    I know it's not exactly a F2P question but as I can't make new threads I thought I would ask here. I have a level 61 (I think) Priest who I haven't played in a long time. If I reactivated that account and did PvP on him would I earn Honour quicker to get the BoA gear or would it take the same...
  3. Questions & Answers

    Thank you both. I will try to go for the heirlooms during CTA. It doesn't seem to bad to get the other BiS cloth gear from drops, all rather high percentages so no too many runs will be needed. I haven't heard about the DMF heirlooms, could you please explain more? Pity about the quest...
  4. Questions & Answers

    A few quick questions: - Can you only catch Keefer's Angelfish between 2-4 on Sundays or anytime & just turn in on Sundays? - Approximately how many wins does it take for each Heirloom item? - Best wand for a priest? - For certain quests: A Blight Upon the Land - Quest - World of Warcraft &...
  5. Questions & Answers

    So I have decided to try F2P Twinking, it sounds like it has a great community which if I do end up sticking around is what I want & enjoy. Now the important question, which is a good class at 20? Obviously if you end up vsing a fully geared 24 your character is at a distinct disadvantage. Is...
  6. Questions & Answers

    A couple more questions: Is it possible to have a P2P account & a F2P account under the one account? What do I need to do to be able to create a Death Knight & Monk classes on the F2P account? Thank you!
  7. Questions & Answers

    Also I just found out that because my account was inactive for so long I lost my awesome name on Frostmourne (Death), is there any way of getting this back or it's now owned by the other account?
  8. Questions & Answers

    Thanks for the quick answers! A question regarding the areas, are these level specific or by bracket so do lvl 20 FTP characters vs lvl 24 PTP or only other 20s? It's sound like with all the restrictions it's simpler to just pay the monthly fee, I do like the fact that the community chats on a...
  9. Questions & Answers

    Sorry I'll rephrase & list my questions, I'm not exactly sure what your 'yes' is responding too. - Benefits of F2P account (aside from no cost) - Is there any disadvantage of using a P2P account & just turning off xp gains when you reach your desired level - Will F2P players who hit level 20...
  10. Questions & Answers

    Hi all, I am very pleased to be back! I used to twink quite a long time ago, I think I started with vanilla wow. I was an Undead Priest & Rogue on Frostmourne called Death. I read through quite a bit of the information posted here & hopefully these questions haven't been asked a thousand...