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  1. Oneshot020

    EU+US F2P & Vet Rankings!

    Hello Cyrstalpall, thanks for making this cool thread. Please add my character if possible : 1) 2520 Achievement points (character only) 2) 50,674 HKS (characted only). 3) F2P Account
  2. Oneshot020

    F2P Movies Thread

  3. Oneshot020

    EU+US (OP) Hunter Legion PVP Video - Oneshot

    Very well put. Tried to change that but clearly it seems I've failed horribly. I'll try again in a few years ;) Precisely. But I removed the video myself.
  4. Oneshot020

    EU+US (OP) Hunter Legion PVP Video - Oneshot

    That was meant to be a joke, I hope you understand sarcasm.
  5. Oneshot020

    EU+US (OP) Hunter Legion PVP Video - Oneshot

    (Edit: Apologies to all, this video has been removed) Hope you are all well! Please check out my Hunter PvP Video :) I played legion for a few hours, and made this little PvP Video. From the forums and in bg's I noticed everyone loves SV Hunters this patch! They're definitely the under dogs ;)...
  6. Oneshot020

    EU+US F2P - Current goals thread

    It's extremely rare. Only the super elite can achieve this. (Loved your comment)
  7. Oneshot020

    EU+US F2P - Current goals thread

    Trying to forget the countless hours I've spent playing my NE hunter, and move on in life. Seems quite sad, but those were fun times.
  8. Oneshot020

    EU+US Helm Options : Alliance

    Grandfather? I guess so, haven't played since MOP! :) Thanks for replying. Thanks Chops for the info! I'll do some SFK runs. Keep the F2P videos rolling ;)
  9. Oneshot020

    EU+US Helm Options : Alliance

    Thanks for your reply. I tried doing that, but it said 'this item cannot be transmogrified'. Better question, what item can I transmog it to?
  10. Oneshot020

    EU+US Helm Options : Alliance

    Good afternoon all. Hope you are well. What are the options the alliance has for the Helm slot? P.S.= Night Elf hunter, I noticed the eye patch cannot be hidden, never liked how that looked on my character, so I always was always turned it off. Now with this new patch, that option is no...
  11. Oneshot020

    EU+US Youtube Help

    Nice video. Enjoyed it. Great knowledge for ones who are new to F2P.
  12. Oneshot020

    EU+US Memories

    I lost all my screenshots when I deleted WoW but I have memories that will never be forgotten.
  13. Oneshot020

    Know Your F2P Twink

    I guess I am flattered? My Facebook if you want more proof?
  14. Oneshot020

    Know Your F2P Twink

    This is my self, Oneshot irl version ;)
  15. Oneshot020

    F2P Rankings: Achievements, HKs, and more!

    Lofi add me again. I was removed because my hunter has been inactive. Heres the link again: Oneshót @ Spinebreaker - Community - World of Warcraft