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  1. 19 Warrior - Crusader Vs. Lifestealing?

    My argument is that you need to show some evidence when you make a statement that goes against common perception. Fair enough you haven't been around long enough to know that it was the common perception however. And it says exactly the same as your maths says, just a lot easier. The...
  2. 19 Warrior - Crusader Vs. Lifestealing?

    Thanks :) Wish it didn't take so long, I almost went and did it myself as it was getting to be like pulling teeth to get you to back up your statements. Numbers look good, lifestealing > crusader vs FCs etc. In fact probably even vs several other classes as that's a significant...
  3. 19 Warrior - Crusader Vs. Lifestealing?

    Like I said, it's been done to death. If you want to argue against 4 years of math, you might want to present some conflicting evidence, rather than just saying 'hey the sky is green'. Unless you're talking about targets with 60% mitigation, in which case, hey, you're right, but who cares...
  4. 19 Warrior - Crusader Vs. Lifestealing?

    You know what, you're wrong. You're also wrong about crusaders scaling with avoidance being different, for the same reason you were wrong about 2h crusaders scaling with OP being different. I suggest you actually do the math, since we don't seem to be communicating well here, as it's quite...
  5. warrior question

    108 in 3.2
  6. 19 Warrior - Crusader Vs. Lifestealing?

    Yes, it's clear that crusader benefits more from hitting low armored targets, but that's irrelevant in a comparison with lifestealing, because, as I mentioned, it also scales with melee crit, minimizing the net variance. Avoidance is a complete non issue, as both enchants scale with it...
  7. Best 19 Hunter Pet

    Using amazingly retarded narcoleptic adhd sufferers in an example doesn't make for a strong example. Or did you mean 5 hunters ever?
  8. 19 Warrior - Crusader Vs. Lifestealing?

    Given say, 20% melee crit and say, 20% mitigation, crusader isn't going to see much change in overall dps benefit from the fact that it scales with mitigation and crit. You're right though, I forgot they updated tclap to benefit from AP. Still doesn't provide the feedback loop that things...
  9. 19 Warrior - Crusader Vs. Lifestealing?

    It's pretty straightforward. Crusader = 100 str up a quarter of the time. Avg 25 str=50ap=3.5dps. Lifestealing 6 ppm 30 damage. 6 proc/60s = 1 proc/10s=30 damage/10s=3dps. Crusader scales with both melee crit and enemy mitigation, while lifestealing does not. Not going to make a huge...
  10. 19 Warrior - Crusader Vs. Lifestealing?

    Yeah Underseer just simplified the equation basically. Crusader will do more damage, lifestealing will do more healing. As has always been the case.
  11. defender's sheild of blocking

    I'd want to see that screenshot honestly. Maybe your friend is mixed up, or maybe it's bugged. Why would they say block value when they mean block rating? Two completely different stats.
  12. BoA items, the death of twinking imo

    AK you'll note I said WoW involves a treadmill. In fact, that was kind of the whole point, so I'm not sure what you're talking about tbh. I skimmed it and you seemed to be agreeing with me except for the part about selling addictive gameplay to children being a good decision because it...
  13. BoA items, the death of twinking imo

    It shouldn't be a factor. Size of the factor is utterly irrelevant. It doesn't need to be there. There shouldn't be an advantage because you spent 100 hours running mind numbing instances on a different toon. Leave that crap where it has always been, max level. Yes, we already got the...
  14. BoA items, the death of twinking imo

    Actually most of the orginal wow developers either came from or moved on to rpgs that don't involve incessant mudflation. You know the term? Look it up. Guild wars, diku pvp muds, etc. Those are MMORPGS. They don't involve a gear treadmill. There are others too, I'm just naming the two...
  15. BoA items, the death of twinking imo

    No one forces you to get on the treadmill at 80 either, but no one wants shitty gear. Or average gear. Or second best gear. You're never forced onto the gear treadmill by anything other than your own desire to compete on a level playing field with the best geared players. Absolutely level, so...
  16. BoA items, the death of twinking imo

    For those that clearly didn't comprehend my last post: If it becomes so that you need to run 20 heroics to upgrade your twinks gear every patch, I won't bother. I twink solely to avoid the gear treadmill. No. other. reason. The rest is fluff. Put twinks on the treadmill and I will no longer...
  17. +spirit 1h

    Spirit isn't the only stat that affects mana regeneration anymore. Grab an evocators.
  18. New twink items via questing?

    If your class can use an iron counterweight, level 10 is worth considering.
  19. +spirit 1h

    Pretty sure arctic (9spi) + evocators (20spi) has more regen stats than any staff. 39 spirit, 4 int. Of course if you're alliance your arctic probably has 7 stam on it so you'd have to go for something else. Plus 4mp/5 is obviously going to give about as much regen as 9 spirit anyway...
  20. Regarding Epeen...

    Does it only adjust your rating if your opponent is using it? I don't see how that would be possible but it seems a little pointless if not. Farm scrubs all afternoon bam 2500 rating.