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  1. gearing f2p rogue. spec question.

    I've found subterfuge incredibly powerful as Assassination, actually. The extended energy pool means you can land the back-to-back ambushes instantly. I've made many a FC go "Wtf happened?!" with 1100 damage in two seconds with that, whereas as sub you'd have to wait until the tail end of the...
  2. QUESTIONS & ANSWERS - The place for any question about F2P

    Awesome, thanks, that's what I needed to know. The armory helps a lot.
  3. QUESTIONS & ANSWERS - The place for any question about F2P

    Quick Question about gearing a F2P druid: With resto as my spec (almost no reason not to; Feral and Guardian give no benefits worth mentioning and unlimited mana is fun. That and cat form>Balance) I don't know whether to get actual caster gear (like my logic tells me I should, though logic is...