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  1. The official thread for quitting f2p

    ^ One-thousand-million-billion-times this. This exactly and utterly and completely. This so much I would marry this if this were a living breathing entity. This game has gone from "Okay, gotta spend an hour or two before the raid tonight reading up on X fight or Y gearing choices or Z...
  2. WoW 5.0.4 all i can seem to say is wow really?

    You can add this to your QQ list: This game has gone further and further and further downhill since about of WotLK were tolerable, but for the most part the constant dumbing-down, slimming, trimming and otherwise fun-removal that Blizz has focused on since that time...
  3. Tough Love is recruiting 2.0

    By this logic, sir, if I put someone who has little to no experience playing WoW on my computer with my hunter, and face him off against, say, you or Arkant or anyone else who seems to think that skill (or is experience the better word for what I mean? Hmm) is irrelevant, the non-player hunter...
  4. Tough Love is recruiting 2.0

    I lol'd. I'm not sure if the "this certainly does not apply to this bracket" line by Dramatized was sarcasm or not, but I'm hoping that it was. Skill > Class. In every bracket, in every situation, in every case. Period. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either A) whining because they get...
  5. Tough Love is recruiting 2.0

    No you don't, and I'd appreciate it if you were more honest from now on. Your constant falsehoods are starting to grate.
  6. Tough Love is recruiting 2.0

    I do not, in fact, have a twin sister, however my brother's sister and I look fairly similiar oddly enough (half-brother's half-sister, he and I have different dad's and she's from we have ZERO blood relation, yet we look alike...figure that out) As far as being flamed for being a...
  7. Tough Love is recruiting 2.0

    I'm really new to both Twinking and this forum, so I know anything I say is going to be taken with a grain of salt, but this is what I've learned from reading this forum: 1) The OP is a self-righteous arrogant *** who seems to live in a fantasy world (my own opinion, actually, not something I...
  8. Farming +2 scope faster

    If by "brick wall" you mean "If I ever see the inside of BFD again I'm going to stab both my eyes out with a dull spork, sautee them in butter, and spoon feed them to Satan"...Then, yes, me too. I don't even want to count how many times I've cleared, literally, every single trash mob in that...
  9. Farming +2 scope faster

    Just got my Standard Scope!!!!! Thanks, Suntimehappy - The dismiss / scatter technique worked like a charm, got the scope on about the 3rd time I looted the chest. Now back to farming for Ring of Precision. Sigh. Thanks again!!!
  10. Farming +2 scope faster

    I'm the first to admit that I'm entirely retarded (Had no idea there was a portal in Gromgol, for instance, and actually ran the entire way into Gnomer)...But I did, and I'm proud of myself for this, figure out the dismiss pet necessity... Still can't seem to get to the box each time...
  11. Farming +2 scope faster

    Love to know how that's possible considering everytime I click the box it gets interrupted by the 4 mobs on that platform slamming their fists into my face.