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  1. Holyyer

    80 twink guild-Cant Afford Cata@Silvermoon [A]

    Just thought i'd mention CaC has just had there first ICC25hc run and got 10/12hc and 12/12 down (all bosses one shotted except PP who took 2 tries and sind who we wiped on twice so we put to normal which was voted for in the raid) we will be going for weekly 25hc runs now. We also offer a...
  2. Holyyer

    80-89 80 Best in slot (PvE and PvP)

    I don't know if im blind or not but i can't see a balance druid set. If there's not one is there any way you could add one please?
  3. Holyyer

    Herald of the Titans - Guild Only!

    Other guilds might have done this before but its still a great achievement for the guild! Well done to all who participated, looking forward to future runs!