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  1. sakn


  2. sakn

    hello twinks

    hello twinks
  3. sakn


  4. sakn

    Come at Me Bro

    l o l
  5. sakn

    X-MOG Rating Thread! (10-19 ONLY) 1-10 Scale!

    please stop ruining my twink information forum experience ???
  6. sakn

    X-MOG Rating Thread! (10-19 ONLY) 1-10 Scale!

    hi check the sig Eriwen: sik nasty tmog bro 9/10 for redtab/redshoulders
  7. sakn

    Level 19 3v3 Tournament official signup thread

    Team Name: HITS BLUNTS N ROUTERS Rogue: Purlioner Warrior: Sqooshi Disc: Throwed Captain: Sqooshi
  8. sakn

    Morning Chat with Sakn/Purloiner

    The 15 rogue isn't me, that's the bae.
  9. sakn

    SCC(premade) big rewards

    Team Name: corbins stepmom is really hot Team captain: Pinkfizzla Team Roster: Resto Druid: Ishape - Ishape @ Earthen Ring - Community - World of Warcraft Disc Priest: Skeezin - Skeezus @ Korgath - Community - World of Warcraft Ele Shaman: Pinklad - Pinkfizzla @ Argent Dawn -...
  10. sakn

    Selling Gloomshroud Armor

    Probably the last Gloomshroud thats going to be seen for quite some time, if not forever. Leave a post in this thread or message me if you're interested.
  11. sakn

    19 magi gameplay

    ur dense
  12. sakn

    19 magi gameplay

  13. sakn

    Rogues = Death of the Bracket

    rogues are bad mmkay
  14. sakn

    LF Premade Challengers for May 23rd 9pm EST

    What you hear and whats actually happening are two different things it seems - We are in the process of rerolling our team horde/on BH for a lot of reasons but none that concern you(and apparently your sources seeing how wrong they are). There was no falling out Xibalba/Barbs relationship is...
  15. sakn

    LF Premade Challengers for May 23rd 9pm EST

    what relevance does "needing chants" hold if your rogue is already geard? On 05/19/2014, at 11:53 PM, bradrocks47 wrote: "we are going to need time to farm out matts to get our team members enchanted for example our teams rouge syyko is still needing his bis enchants."
  16. sakn

    LF Premade Challengers for May 23rd 9pm EST

    As far as everyone on our team + others were aware Conq had/has nothing to do with the <Hey BB> team hence why at the time they called themselves <Hey BB> and for a short time split off from SCCs roster, now here's the point i'm making; what relevance does Conq leaving have? He was not on Hey...
  17. sakn

    <Twinks Eat Twinies> Recruiting thread

    kso if we ran honeybadger would you undodge us for this friday?
  18. sakn

    LF Premade Challengers for May 23rd 9pm EST

    We were supposed to be playing scc again but they fell through due to not having their rogue enchanted... (even though premade was arranged three weeks ago come friday lol) If any guild/team is interested in playing some 10v10 wsg this friday let us know! Rules- no more than 2 of each class...
  19. sakn

    Who influenced you the most as a player?

    Daedricdeath had the biggest influence on me. If anyone has heard from him recently please do let me know.
  20. sakn

    <its called containing> [A] - Kael'thas - Recruitment Thread

    Bump bump bump