Search results

  1. Best in the world hunter/feral 2s, Jeremywade + Meat!
  2. The dream was real :)

    Fed up of seeing disc priests as the only healer in 2s? FOTM REROLL TODAY TO MISTWEAVER FOR MAXIMUM FUN AND STUFF <3 pretty much all games as MW streamed on
  3. Looking for BiS 70 WW Monk armories

    Meatx @ Stormscale - Community - World of Warcraft The gear is 100% BiS (Including Glaives unfortunately) Only thing that can change is gems/enchants depending on how you prefer to play
  4. Twisting Nether MVP

    lolltage - Miracle 2s - Twitch - Priest PoV
  5. Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    Not sure you get the funny thing about the picture
  6. Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures. First 70 Unholy DK to solo this heuheuheu? <Various Formats>
  7. Looking for 70 rogue on US with some XP to get points

    Translation: Good luck with that. You are to good for all the players in the game. For real!
  8. Looking for 70 rogue on US with some XP to get points

    I'm Looking for a rogue to play with Alliance US, I'm still looking for a rogue account to use, but until then i'm looking for a 2s partner on US. If you think you've got what it takes then PM me your skype. Even if you don't think you've got all the skills to pay the bills, let me know...
  9. SWP with 5 level 70s

    Pretty sure you don't need 25 people for sunwell! :D Not to mention, if you are going to 25man sunwell, fuck it 25tanks.
  10. Looking for a 70 priest to play on US

    Hold your horses, no longer looking for a priest, looking for a rogue on US Alliance for Shelbyz to play, you will get free r1 on your char, lots of points. Twitch PM or Twink info PM your skype if you have a good rogue, it needs to atleast be good geared with proffessions.
  11. lf 70 disc on ally to play with

    Any priest who participates in this act will need a strong arm for carrying!
  12. Current state of 70s

    Player vs. Player - Community - World of Warcraft 225 – 174 (56%) 2244 Rating Classic. Ps. WW + MW are extremely viable, so I don't know what you're chattin. Ps. Cross server arena, any server is fine
  13. 70 shaman spec?

    If you think Resto is 2nd to disc then you've clearly not played Holy paladin <3 which have become a lot more viable due to no 100% 1shots from prot palas, 1heal insta tops + denounce and harsh words hits like a truck
  14. What is the high 70/70 2s team running?

    Well theres a few 2600 teams, I'm pretty sure I had the highest mmr at 2680 but lost my 32-0 flawless so dropped to 2.6 mmr, although I've never met these other 2.6 teams, but I know they exist, i've seen them afking! plsnomoreelypsiadodge:(
  15. What is the high 70/70 2s team running?

    Well it is still relevant to an extent, after all it's the highest 70/70 team, which if i'm not mistaken that's what we're playing.
  16. Highest rated Mage?

    Ðêmôñmågé @ Stormscale - Community - World of Warcraft JK THIS DOGSHIT MAGE IS SO SLOW AT LEVELING A NEW 70 <33
  17. 71-74s, yet another update :'D

    Wintrading 2.3, damn son, next level shit. Why wintrade when you could be a prot pala and get given 2.6. But I guess you wouldnt know. Have you ever entered arena at 70?
  18. High MMR Queue times

    Hey, now that lots of prot/discs have re-leveled to 70 I've noticed that there are quite a few high MMR teams queuing (This is due to when you first ding MMR goes off the chizain) I've met a few 2.6 mmr teams but I know there are many more. See, I'm a sad nolifer that plays 70 all day...
  19. Best comps?

    #Truth !
  20. with all the 70's settling in

    You're just not up for a challenge!