Search results

  1. How long did it take to get your Revelosh gloves?

    Got my of the eagle gloves on my 10th run, perfect ones, still looking for eagle bracers and eagle shoulders, though dont know if they are better than BoA shoulders. Done about 40+ runs now, with one perfect monkey gloves
  2. Discussion about the 39 Holydin

    This was what i searched for, this one helps alot while im gearing my paladin.
  3. Discussion about the 39 Holydin

    I got the green lens on my paladin already, though shes only 28lvl. Boa shoulders too, with the enchant. Why only 1x underworld band ? :O what will be the other ring equipped ? What about the legs, after the patch there is no leg enchant possibility so what are the best panst...
  4. Discussion about the 39 Holydin

    I agree for the survivability , but think about the paladin as 1on1 or so. There is no much dmg out for 39 holy, if we compare to 49 bracket, There pally got holy shock and Cleanse adds some survivability. Would You mind to post a link to Your guild member paladins armory, I could take a...
  5. Discussion about the 39 Holydin

    Heya, while I was reading the Forums randomly, I noticed that there is conversation of Holy Pallys against Priest and druid. But there isn't a 39 Holy Paladin guide. Should the pally be stacked with stamina and intellect or maybe stamina and mp5 ? I've got many questions to make and...